Sincerly tez ✨

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Tez POV:

"Hey tay what you doing." I say walking in setting the bad down next to her bed and place if the note on her dresser all before she looks up.

"Nothing really just I'm just think about how big your head is."

Tay is my little sister we're each other's world. It sucks what I have to do to her.

She's the exact same age as Tayk and Nikki but they can't meet for reasons we can't discuss.

Also Nikki nor tayk knows nothing of my existence never met never will meet well maybe in the future.

See I still live with her and my parents.

My mom excepts me but my dad doesn't want his daughter to be a "dyke".

He found out I liked girls somehow and then stop letting me stay in the house for like a month. He thought I was staying with a friend but really I was staying with Nay.

Soon he let me come back and I was afraid because even my dog can see that tay is a fruit loop.

That girl is a whole ass Tomboy and I have watched her stare at girls ass as they walk by.

"Tez come here." She said from her bed I sat next to her.

"What up whicha."

"How did you know that you were ya know." She said doing weird ads hand signals.

"What gay?" I say laughing.

"Yeah gay how did u know."

"Well imma put it like this for me when I start getting a round you age I start looking at girls differently. Anytime I saw a pretty one I get this weird tingly feeling in my stomach but I never got that for boys like at all so yeah I knew oh yeah and my lesbian porn obsession told me." I say and she begins laughing.

"I get the Same feeling. I think I might be gay tez." She says putting her head down.

"Little girl I already knew that shit. And so did you. don't act like I don't see u leaving the house with an extra set a clothes everyday. Men's clothes." I say laughing and her eyes went wide.

"Oh and let not forget them two pretty ass studs u hang out with." She smiled.

"Oh and one more thing." I walk over to her closet and open the 3rd shoe box.


"Ok got damn it wasn't as much of a secret." She says laughing.

"And I know u be playing with theses little ass girls hearts."

"Well I don't see you Tied down to nobody."

"You have no idea."

"What happened to that girl that was bullying before you switched to online school."

Me and Nay are seniors. At first to look lil we weren't together she was pretending to bully me so no one knew.

We both git sick of going to school and just switched to online. Ash and bonnie are 20 that's why they ash always felt like nays protector.

Ashley didn't go to regular High-school because she's an assain she just got her credits through some other program.

"I don't know you tell me." I say laughing.

"Listen I want you to know I love you and your the best little sister ever and I'll always be with you no matter what. Don't forget that Taylor."

"Ok I won't."

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