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Twelve-Year-Old Ayana Zaremski POV:

Luggage. Two pieces of luggage. Why did we decide to bring along these two pieces of luggage? Oh, right, we felt bad that their father was trying to kill them so we helped them out.

They looked to be about fourteen to fifteen years old, a little older than us. But still not old enough to be considered an adult. I'd feel bad if I saved them from a certain death by a berku only to leave them to fend for their life again with only the clothes on their back.

That would be cruel and I see no reason to be cruel to someone I just met and don't have a personal grudge against.

The blue-haired one called Fern was annoying flapping around asking about his brother every few minutes and sometimes every few seconds! I mean seriously?! Your brother's just asleep, he even drank that high-quality potion Myrina made, what do you expect would happen to him.

He finally shut up when I threatened to bonk his head and knock him unconscious minutes before his purple-haired brother called, I think it was Rock....that doesn't sound right...... Raccoon? Oh, wait! It was Razz, that was the name he said when he introduced his brother and himself to us.

When sleeping beauty finally woke up Fern's face lit up like a kid receiving a Christmas gift on Christmas. He looked so happy that his brother finally woke up that you can practically see the happiness oozing out of him.

For someone in a completely new environment, he sure is carefree, his brother on the other hand seems more guarded. Although he looks relaxed I get the vibe that he's on guard, If we had to fight them then Razz would be the biggest threat out of the two of them.

I sure hope I don't regret saving these two siblings in the future. We need to be careful about keeping our identities a secret around these two, based on the clothes they were wearing and the carriage they rode they were definitely nobles. Leona couldn't find a crest on the carriage mostly due to the fact that the monsters damaged the carriage to the extent that you can't see the designs and crest on the outside of the carriage. It was left pretty intact but the outside of the carriage was pretty unsightly.

I have to give it to them though, even though they found out that their father was plotting their murder they're not sitting there bawling like babies. But I guess it would be logical to not cry since you should be focusing on surviving, but people aren't always logical.

Since we saved them, we should give them a fighting chance to survive or enact vengeance on their father, whoever he is. Leona suggested teaching them survival skills which makes sense since they're going to need survival skills if they want to survive whatever their father throws at them.

Which is why we've been teaching them some swordsmanship these past few days. From what Fern said, they're headed towards the capital which is where Magius Academy is and that's exactly where we're headed. So it makes sense to let them tag along since we're headed in the same direction.

Usually, it only takes an hour or two to head towards the capital where Magius Academy and the Royal Palace reside but we took a few detours since we wanted to do some adventuring.

The boys don't seem to mind that we'll be taking a few days to arrive at our destination, not that they can whine since we're basically their shield from any harm that might befall them.

During combat training, we found out that they seem to know the basics of swordsmanship, but they don't seem well educated in hand to hand combat which makes sense because nobles usually consider it to be unrefine. That's why you'll see that noble children usually learn swordsmanship and other more 'refine' combat arts.

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