First Day of School

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Sometimes I hate this brain of mine that can't remember important information beforehand. I just remembered that the only people that had modified outfits were the villainesses and the capture targets.

Isn't this like advertising that I'm a villainess? Although I don't mind it, this may get unwanted attention. We're supposed to be off the radar this year and wearing a modified uniform would only make us stand out.

Whatever, what's done is done, plus it's not like I care about being like everyone else. But, why are there people staring at us and whispering to each other!?

If you have something to say, say it! I can hear you, you know.

"Hey! You two."

Finally, someone that has some guts.

I turned around to look at the person speaking.

"Who are you guys!?" The girl said in an extremely loud voice.

The girl who stood before me had soap orange hair similar to salamander pink, big uptilted teal eyes bordering onto tiffany blue stared at me. Hair tied up in a cute curly side ponytail and fingers pointing at me as if accusing me of something.

"Who are you?" I asked back.

"I am Abigail Lockheart of the Lockheart house, who are you to ask for my name first before you formally introduce yourself."

Oh, wow, this person sure is confident. I looked at Leona to see if she was going to deal with this but she just smiled and shook her head slightly. Looks like I'll have to deal with this, well it's better than Leona dealing with this who knows what type of crazy things she'll do.

"Sorry, I guess that may have come across as rude to you but we didn't intend to sound rude or disrespect you, as for our identity, we're a special case and if you want to know our names then you'll have to find out yourself if you ever get the chance to, that is. Also, as you may know, your house rank matters little in this school, since this school has a ranking system of its own based on your performance."

That should be enough to shut the girl up. . . or not, this person sure recovers fast.

"That still doesn't answer why you're wearing a modified uniform instead of a standard one, only certain people get to wear modified uniforms and that includes the student council, S class students, and special students," she said pointing at me once again.

Don't you know pointing is rude? This person has serious pointing problem.

"As I said before, we're a special case, if you're going to ask someone questions please listen carefully, I hate to repeat myself."

With that, I walked away not bothering to look back, I know it's rude to leave without saying more but, I'd really rather not interact with people more than that is necessary, especially with people I don't know.

"You know, you could have phrased that a little nicer," Leona commented a little while later when we arrived in the library where no one could overhear us.

I don't get why people don't go to libraries, they're great, there're lots of amazing books in the library, but it seems that no matter which world you're in, few people enjoy reading books. Well, this is a good thing for me since I can hang out in the library without anyone coming to bother me.

"Why should I bother to sound nicer?" I asked, looking back at Leona trying to figure out what she was thinking.

"Well, if you want a peaceful school life we shouldn't be making enemies, I'm pretty sure you just made some by what you said to that girl back there."

"We both know that those people there won't pose a threat to us, plus I'm pretty sure you won't be able to survive a school year without some type of action," I said, looking at Leona with amusement.

"Hey! Don't call me out just yet, I haven't done anything and I'm pretty sure I can survive a school year without action, I mean what could possibly cause me to take some action," Leona said defending herself.

"We both know that you love action, it's basically fuel for you like gasoline is for cars," I said pointedly.

"Hey that's not true I run on food," Leona rebutted back,

"And action," I added in.

"No, that's not true, I'll prove it to you by not taking action for a whole year."

"You know that means you can't cause fights, prank people, and do your other stuff as well," I said, making it clear what she'll have to give up on for a year.

Hearing me say that Leona suddenly looked a little downcast, "Hah, that's easier, I can just find some other kind of entertainment other than those things, there lot's of different things I could do," Leona said, not sounding as confident as she was a while ago.

"Well good luck with that, you'll certainly need it, I mean this is school, it's where the drama happens."

Scowling, Leona said, "I don't need luck, this will be a piece of cake."

With those parting words, she stomped out of the library.

I don't get why she keeps on insisting that she's not an adrenaline junkie, isn't the very definition of an adrenaline junkie someone who loves the thrill and exhilaration that comes from risky actions or exciting situations?

I really don't understand why she can't see that her very actions say that she loves thrill and excitement.

Well, it doesn't matter, she'll admit it eventually. I should probably head to my first class, let's see. . . if memory serves me right. My first class should be Myths and Legends.

That class should be pretty close to the library, so I shouldn't have to walk too far, I'll just get to the class quickly and take a seat in the back, since being in the front sucks. I swear it feels like the teachers always call on people that sit in the front not to mention you can feel the stares of people drilling into you from the back.

There's also the time that someone from the back threw a pencil up the front to their friend and that pencil nearly hit me. Sitting in the back is definitely the safest place, not to mention you get a view of the whole classroom.

I'd rather get through class without taking any bodily harm, I mean pencils can be very dangerous. Plus I'd rather watch drama unfold than be caught in the middle of it, it's rather amusing how much drama school has when it's supposed to be a place for people to learn. But, I guess that's how life works, there's always some type of drama everywhere you go. 

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