It's Not Goodbye

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Lumen1128: The picture of the ramju is on the top, I feel like I made the head weirdly shaped, but I don't think I can draw the head any better than the weirdly shaped one. I think I made the front legs too short, but, oh well. 

"Are you done collecting that stupid wool!" Fern screeched as he once again dodged a horn attack from a ramju.

"No, I think we'll need more!" Leona yelled back as she held onto the buckling ramju.

The mission we chose this time was getting some ramju horns, although most people would probably try to get the ramju to fire their horn and collect it after dodging them, we've decided to do something harder.

Getting ramju wool is more difficult than getting ramju horns as they require you to be in close proximity to it.

Ramju's are ram-like monsters that have quite a fiery temper, they are very territorial and will fire their horns at anyone that dares approach them. Their horns grow back quickly so they don't lose their horns after they fire them, but if you get hit by their horn, you better expect pain and bleeding.

Their horns have uses in alchemy and other stuff, that's why some people approach ramju's to try to collect their horns. But if you don't have fast reflexes or some type of barrier spell then your dead, although ramju's are classified as E rank monster's they're by no means weak.

They're usually found in herds so if you see one there's usually more nearby, right now we're currently collecting ramju wool since they're quite useful and we're collecting ramju horns anyway. If we're dealing with a ramju anyway why not take the chance to get some extra materials for when we might need them sometime in the future.

That's why we're in our current situation now with Leona on the ramju's back, a pair of shears in her hand with Fern and Razz trying to distract the ramju.

While they're busy dealing with the ramju I'm keeping them safe by casting a barrier around them and the ramju Leona's on so that the other ramju in the herd won't be able to attack them.

"How much more material do you need!" Fern shouted, "this is already the tenth ramju!"

"How about twenty more!" Leona shouted back.

"What?!" Fern screeched in horror, "twenty more?!"

"I'm just kidding," Leona said as she laughed hysterically at Fern's reaction.

"I think you should stop laughing or you'll fall off the ramju," Razz interjected in.

"Awww, are you concerned for my well being," Leona said jokingly as she burst into a fit of giggles.

I feel like Leona's getting too close to these total stranger's although we got to know them a bit, their backgrounds are still unknown.

"No, I just don't want to have to save you if you fall down and get trampled by the ramju," Razz replied while dodging a ramju horn.

"Awww, how sweet, Razz here doesn't want me to get hurt," Leona teased as she jumped off the ramju's back, "alright I got all the wool I wanted, we can go back now."

"Alright now, stop messing around, we have some ramju horns to deliver," I said as I released the barrier.

Fern shrieked once again as the herd of ramju's started charging at us.

"Why did you release the barrier!" he shrieked as he ran like his life depended on it.

"Why, I thought we needed some exercise," I said as I started running as well.

"Give me a break already, we already have to dodge ramju horns this morning, why would you make us run from a herd of ramju's," Fern cried out, "this is too much!"

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