Successfully Avoided the Magic Affininity Ceremony

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"Hey, Myrina, do you have any ideas on how we can avoid the magic affinity ceremony?" I asked, "Leona and I already had ours checked by you so It would be a hassle to do it again, plus we didn't want to do it from the start."

"You can try ingesting something that'll make you sick."

"Like pokeberries?"

"That would be dangerous since they're toxic and can cause you to die if you ingest too much."

"Do you have an idea on what we could eat that's not dangerous?"

"I made a vomit potion that causes a person to vomit but it also causes pain."

"It'll be hard to hide the evidence if it's a potion since you'll have to store it in a bottle."

"What about making it into candy?" Leona asked.

"Hmmm, that could work, I'll try to turn the potion into a candy version of it," Myrina said thoughtfully as she headed into the kitchen.

Two Hours Later:

After two hours of experimenting we finally successfully turned the potion into candy drops, I didn't help with the preparation since I'm horrible at making potions, they tend to explode whenever I try making one, all I did was use ice magic to freeze the candy drops so they'll harden faster.

When we had our affinity checked a few months ago by the appraisal pen I found out that I had an affinity to ice, arcane, and wind magic which is cool since normal people usually get only one magic affinity, having three is pretty rare. Leona has an affinity to storm, barrier, and flying magic, which is also cool, storm is a really strong and rare type of magic, the same goes for arcane, but even if the magic is strong if the person with it is unable to use it properly, it's practically useless.

I have the special ability of teleportation and enchantment, teleportation requires mana and stamina while enchantment requires only mana. Leona has the special ability of pocket space and beast shifting, both of them require mana.

Special abilities are divided into four categories, abilities that require mana, abilities that require stamina, abilities that require both mana and stamina, and abilities that require neither mana nor stamina. Not all abilities are related to magic or some magic-like abilities, special abilities can also be things that a person has a natural talent for like gardening or playing instruments.

There was also a lot of other information the appraisal pen listed when we went to check our magic affinity, but they're all minor details so there's no need to think too much about them. We got the information that we needed and that's all that matters.

But, right now what's most important is making sure we successfully avoid the magic affinity ceremony. Tomorrow is when the ceremony will start so I'll eat the vomit potion turned candy tomorrow morning.

Myrina said she added some other special effects to the potion to make sure that we won't be able to attend the ceremony and the party after that but she wouldn't tell us what other effects she added, apparently it's better to find out first hand.

I don't really care at this point since I want to escape from what will happen tomorrow, as long as I'm unable to attend the magic affinity ceremony and the party afterward, then I'm fine with it.

But it seems that this will be harder than I initially thought, after ingesting the candy drop the next morning I ended up vomiting for an hour while feeling pain race through my body. After that, I ended up having a fever which left me weak in bed for three days.

The only good thing about this is that we accomplished what we wanted, the rest is summed up to getting sick sucked. So when I finally recovered I was delighted, my first thought was finally my second thought was I am so going to get you back for this, Myrina.

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