Is It Old or Young?

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I stared at the sight before me trying to comprehend what I was seeing.

"You're the headmaster of Magius Academy right?" I asked one more time to confirm what I was seeing was true.

"Yes, I am," the person answered, starting to sound annoyed.

How is this possible!? I thought the headmaster was an old man with a long white beard and a half-bald head. How did it turn into this person that looks like they're in their twenties, aren't headmasters supposed to be these ancient-looking guys?

But sitting there, defying all logic that comes from the ancient-looking headmaster I've seen in anime, books, and cartoons. He sat there, hitting me with the reality that there isn't an ancient-looking headmaster.

My past life knowledge has failed me.

"Damn, I thought the headmaster was an ancient man," Leona muttered.

"I feel you, I thought it was an old man as well," I said while staring at the man before me.

"You're not using an illusion to look young, right?" I asked him with suspicion.

"No, I assure you that this is my natural appearance," he said looking more and more ticked off by the second.

Leona gasped, looking at the supposed headmaster with wide eyes, "It all makes sense now, you're actually a creepy old man disguised as a young man."

"Would you two imbeciles stop questioning my age!" Mr. Supposed Headmaster roared in rage.

"Hey! That's rude. We're not imbeciles! You're the only imbecile there is, in this room old man!" Leona shouted back.

"How many times do I need to repeat myself!? I am not an old man!" He angrily shouted, slamming his fist on the table.

Leona looked at the man up and down, smirking, she said, "oh, I'm sorry, you're not an old man, you're an ancient man who likes to dress up as a young man."

At that, I burst into laughter, "good one, Leona," I said while giving her a thumbs up.

"Why thank you, I aim to please," Leona replied back looking smug.

"Do you have ears?" Mr. Supposed Headmaster asked while shaking from head to toe in anger.

"Of course we do, how else would we be able to answer your question," I replied back.

"Then why can't you comprehend the fact that I am not an ancient man in the guise of a young man," he said, both frustrated and irked.

"Cause you're an old man?" Leona commented.

"As I repeatedly said I am not an old man, I assure you I am as old as I look," He said once again, "that aside, the biggest problem here isn't my age, it's that you guys came in the academy without permission."

"I think an old man pretending to be a young man is a serious business," Leona said staring at the man as if that would turn him back into an old man.

"I said.." seeming to give up on changing our minds, he cut his words off, "that's not important, how did you guys come in?"

"Well...," I hesitantly said, "We planned on sneaking in quietly but that went out of the drain when Leona got us spotted."

"Hey! That's not my fault, it was the plant's fault for making me sneeze," Leona quickly defended herself.

"Because of that, we had to knock everybody out," I finished after Leona finished interrupting me.

"You two..." he said, holding his head as if he had a headache, " I have no words."

*Sigh* I Got Reincarnated As The Villainess of an Otome GameWhere stories live. Discover now