F*ck My Sister Got Kidnapped

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Eight-Year-Old Anton Zarmeski POV:

"Hey Ayana, where do you want to look first? This place is pretty dingy, do you want to go somewhere else instead?" I said looking back at my sister only to find that she's gone.

Panicked, I looked at Aspen who's eyes widened as he too noticed that we lost Ayana while looking around.

We ran around together in hopes of finding Ayana but it was useless, we couldn't find a trace of her at all.

Feeling dread ball up in the pits of my stomach, I suggested that we go home and report to father that Ayana was missing, father would surely know how to find Ayana right? Aspen agreed with my idea and we quickly made our way home.

Thirty minutes later

"You guys went where?!" My father yelled in horror.

"We went to Lostel City and Ayana went missing," Aspen replied, sounding calm even though he was panicking internally. A normal person won't be able to tell the difference but I can since we've been together since we were kids.

"Do you know why I told you guys not to go to Lostel City?" My father asked pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

"Because the condition of Lostel City isn't good," I replied awkwardly.

It was true though, although Lostel City was a City, it was surprisingly dark and rundown. The bricks on the houses were cracked and the houses looked like it could fall down at any moment. The air was stale and the atmosphere around the City seemed to be gloomy. Now that I think about it although Lostel City was a city it was surprisingly devoided of life, from the time we rode the carriage around the City to map out the area to the moment we got off, we haven't seen people around.

"Did you know that Lostel City is known as The City of Sin?" My father said looking at us in the eyes.

"No," I replied suddenly feeling my blood run cold, "why is it called the City of Sin?" I asked, almost afraid to know the answer to my question.

Aspen, who was beside me also looked like he wasn't fairing very well at the news.

"It's called the City of Sin because it's shrouded with violence, criminals, and illegal acts," my father said, "It's a place where inhuman actions occur, people have long moved out of the city or shut themselves in their homes to avoid being caught victim to the cruelties that occur in Lostel City."

I felt sick as I heard my father's explanation, my sister went missing in a place that holds no mercy for anyone, these thoughts repeated inside my head like a mantra.

"Will Ayana be alright?" I asked fearful of the answer I would get from my father.

"Let's hope she will be fine," was all my father said with no words of reassurance.

I can understand that in such a situation many factors are uncertain so my father wouldn't want to give us false hope, but it would have been nice if he assured us that Ayana would be fine. My sister is only six years old, there's no way she can fend off a kidnapper, what if she was beaten up or mistreated.

As these thoughts whirled around inside my mind I realized how sheltered my life was, I have never experienced the constant fear the people of Lostel City felt, nor have I been starved or mistreated. In short, we've been living a very lavish and carefree life, we didn't even know such things were happening in our dukedom even though we'll be looking after the Zaremski Dukedom in the future.

Aspen, who was beside me, came to the same realization as me and looked troubled, "Why didn't you tell us that these things were happening in the dukedom?"

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