It Seems I Accidentally Became a Small Scale Delinquent

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Thirteen-Year-Old Ayana Zaremski POV:

I had thought that I would be able to peacefully go about my day without any ruckus but it seems I underestimated Leona's ability to cause trouble.

I assumed all that fighting she did during combat class would lower her energy level and prevent her from causing any more trouble but it seems I was sourly wrong.

She just had to barge in my math class and drag me out just to have me make some food for her just because she was hungry. Not that I minded too much since math was boring, all those numbers hurt my brain, I can do and remember enough to pass the class but any more than that I'm doomed.

This brain has a good memory but that doesn't mean I can understand all these concepts, It's a good thing we're only required to know the textbook answers, or else we'd never be able to go to school early, much less skip grades.

"You know I can understand that you're hungry and you got kicked out of class, but why did you have to drag me into this as well?"

Leona stopped eating briefly and looked at me as if I was an idiot.

"We're best friends, that's what best friends do."

I must have gone crazy to be best friends with this person.

"We are best friends but that doesn't mean that you have to drag me into everything you do."

"Eh? What's wrong with taking you out of class, those main subjects are boring anyway," Leona said, taking the last bite of food on her plate.

"Well it certainly is boring but that doesn't mean that we can just go around skipping class, we're supposed to be inconspicuous, going around breaking rules and causing trouble isn't helping us be discreet."

"Why did we even decide to be discrete?"

"Because we wanted to graduate without drawing attention," I said pointedly to Leona, who seemed to have forgotten why we were doing what we're doing.

"Now that I think about it, I met a capture target today."

"Oh, you did, which one did you meet?"

"I met Aiden Suzamora, the nice boy next door type capture target."

"Oh, that one I know, he seems to be very nice, I'm not sure why he got involved with the heroine, though."

"Yeah, the game wasn't really clear about how he got involved with her in the first place. During class he seemed to be really depressed, it must be love troubles."

What!? Aiden had someone he was in love with before meeting the heroine!?

"Leona... you're not saying that Aiden fell in love with someone before meeting the heroine right?"

"Hmmm... what are you talking about, he's in love with the heroine and there's a lot of rivals standing in the way of his love, that's the reason he's depressed, what else could it possibly be?"

There seems to be a misunderstanding somewhere, the heroine couldn't possibly be in this school right now she should be only fourteen. There's no way she'd enter the school before she turns fifteen.

Wait a minute, doesn't that mean we have to find a way to graduate this year!? Ugh, I miscalculated, I thought we would have at least two years, but it seems we only have one year.

"Leona, you do know that the heroine's only fourteen right now, right? That means she hasn't come to this school yet."

"Huh?.... I totally forgot about that, then if it isn't troubles relating to love why does he seem so depressed?"

"By the way, how did you and Aiden happen to meet?"

"Hmmm, that's simple. I happen to sit next to him in our science class and we're partnered together for the rest of the year."

I see now, the guy must have been depressed to be partnered with Leona for the rest of the year. I can understand why he's so depressed now, being with Leona spells trouble, you'll run in all sorts of trouble with her around since she loves creating trouble.

The guy must have great instincts to know that he's in for a world of trouble this year. I pray for your soul Aiden, may you survive this year in one piece.

"Speaking of capture targets, I happened to meet one as well..."

"Huh!? Which one did you meet?" Leona asked me with her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"The sadistic prince Zyien Alvernaz."

As soon as she heard the name, Leona made a disgusted face.

"Why that one, he's creepy."

"That's not even the worst part."

"What could be even worse than meeting him?"

"... He happens to be Razz."

"What!!! Are you saying that he's that punk we save in the forest! ... Wait, that means Fern must be..."

I shook my head in confirmation.

"Yes, he's Rafael Alvernaz, brother of Zyien Alvernaz."

Leona, shocked by the revelation, fell down on the floor.

"It's true, those that do good deeds die quicker than those that do bad deeds."

"Hey we're not dead yet, there's no way of knowing what will come with this, at the very least they didn't figure out our identity."

Though, I do agree with her, those who do good die faster than those who do malicious deeds.

"Isn't he supposed to be highly intelligent based on how the game described him, plus isn't he supposed to be a sadistic character, those character types are usually smart, right?"

"You're right, I think we're doomed. I knew we shouldn't have helped those twerps."

"Hey, didn't they want revenge or something, so maybe they won't notice us because they're too busy enacting their revenge."

"That's a reasonable scenario."

Let's just hope that's what will happen since it'll be a pain to deal with them otherwise. If I had it my way I wouldn't bother dealing with people unless I feel like tormenting them. Honestly. We're talking about the princes of this country. Even if I wanted to torment them I doubt I'll be easy and whether or not I can get away with it is another matter.

After all, they're high-ranking aristocrats not to mention they have a special protective shield called capture target buff. If the capture target isn't strong or protected in some way then they won't be able to win over the heroines heart. Though, I'm not sure how this type of logic works.

But there's no point in thinking about it too much since it'll hurt my brain, I wonder if the creator of the otome game had any common sense? 

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