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Here we are at the place where we part ways, standing in the capital we'll be saying goodbye at this very moment.

"So I guess this is where we part way," Fern said sadly.

"Hey don't feel bad it's not goodbye, remember," Leona gently said to Fern.

"Yeah, but I still feel a sense of sadness at the thought of parting," Fern said looking as if he might cry.

"Hey, don't cry, if we're to part ways, let's leave it on a happy note," I said, trying to cheer Fern up, I don't want to have to comfort a crying person.

"Yeah, if you cry when you look back down the memory lane It'll be of you bawling like a baby just before we part ways," Leona added in.

"I agree, I'm sure you don't want our last moment together to be you crying," Razz said to Fern with a gentle smile.

"I'm not going to cry," Fern said, sounding offended at the very thought that we thought he would cry.

"Sure you won't," Leona teased.

"You'll just bawl-"

Her words were suddenly cut off when Fern stepped forward and wrapped her up in a tight embrace.

Is this one of those touching heartfelt goodbye moments they described in books? The moment when two good friends have to part ways due to the different paths their journey brings them. The moment where they stood facing each other, many unsaid words between them, unable to convey their words as they looked into each other's eyes.

In the end, they left on their separate paths without saying what they truly wanted to say, as they moved on they looked back at that moment and regretted passing up the chance to tell them how they truly felt.

That was how the author ended the book, although there seemed to be a second book, I didn't get to read it since I died before I could. Although, I did wonder what the two friends wanted to say to each other, their friends so I don't get why they couldn't say what they wanted to say.

If you trust each other enough to put your life in each other's hands, what could possibly be so hard to tell each other, that you'll regret not telling each other as you move on to your separate paths?

That just doesn't make any sense, I wanted to read the second book and find out what it was that they wanted to say but sadly I did not live long enough to read it.

This moment reminded me of that moment in the book, I wonder how Leona's going to react to the sudden hug. She's currently frozen in shock, but I wonder if she'll react the same way as the character in the novel acted.

"W-what are you doing?" Leona stammered out seemingly caught between surprise and embarrassment.

I wanna see a tomato red face, but that's impossible since our outfits make it impossible to see our faces as a precaution of keeping our identities a secret.

"Hugging you," Fern replied to Leona's question as if it were a common everyday act.

Nobles have to be mindful of how they act as they're always eyes watching their every move, one mistake could be spun into a big gossip that may ruin your reputation in society. That means hugs between opposite genders that have no blood relationship with each other aren't allowed since it could become a huge gossip.

"Why?" Leona asked, perplexed as to why Fern was giving her a hug.

"Because this may be the last time we see each other," he replied.

"As I said this isn't goodbye," Leona reminded him.

"But it'll be a long time before we can see each other again," Fern said petulantly.

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