Small Lunch Chat

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I know I have bad luck but to think that my lunch period was the same as three of the capture targets isn't that too much? Leona's already a handful you know, now you need to throw three capture targets in the mix? Isn't that too much?

Well, it's okay if we have the same lunch period as long as we don't bump into each other or get involved with each other but Leona just had to approach one of them. Hello, you know these are the heroine's love interests right, we'll get murdered by them. Although I don't think these two capture targets were in any of the routes me and Leona appeared in. Ayana and Leona in the game didn't antagonize these two in the game when the heroine was on their route, at least not as far as I can remember. I think the villainess was someone else, who was it again?

Never mind that even if they didn't murder us in the game that doesn't mean that they won't murder us in this life you know. Wasn't the plan to avoid them, why are we approaching them?

"Hey, Aiden how are you hanging on, are you still depressed?" Leona asked while making her way to a boy with ginger brown hair.

The boy looked at Leona and let out a heavy sigh, "are plotting to murder me?" he asked after a heavy sigh.

Leona looked slightly offended and pouted.

"Why do you keep asking if I'm trying to kill you? Do I look like a murderous person?"


"Absolutely," Aiden said.

To think he actually said what I thought aloud. Leona must be quite reputable as a murderous person, as expected of a capture target, you have good instincts.

"They that's rude, I'll have you know I'm a very kind-hearted and gentle person," Leona said slightly offended, "If anything you should be more worried about her than me, after all, she's the cruel one," she said pointing at me.

When was I cruel? I think I've been pretty kind so far you know, but since Leona pointed to me I should introduce myself, right?

Lifting my skirt up slightly I gave a polite bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you my name is Aisha Zelmon."

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, I am Aiden Suzamora and my friend here is Travis Langston."

Oh, it seems that there was someone else with Aiden, I was so worried about what Leona might do that I didn't really pay attention to who she was approaching.

"I'm sorry for rudely interrupting your time together, we'll be going then."

As soon as I apologized for Leona's rude behavior I grabbed Leona and was prepared to drag her away.

"You don't need to apologize, your friend's behavior was refreshing."

Surprised at those words I looked at Travis. I actually looked at him instead of giving him a brief glance. With deep brown hair mixed with lighter shades of brown and a few stands of gold, eyes a beautiful shade of amber gold, paired with that gentle smile, he looked like someone that could make crowds of girls faint with just a smile.

For some reason his face looked familiar, have I seen this person before? I think I would've remembered if I met him though. Wait a minute did he say Leona was refreshing!?

"You. . . you didn't happen to fall in love with Leona, right?"

"What!?" Aiden made a surprised noise and looked toward his friend with eyes wide with shock, "are you sick or do you have a fever, it's crazy to fall in love with that girl."

I agree there, If it's someone that fell in love with Leona, then it's gotta be a crazy person.

"Don't tell that you like crazy girls?" Aiden questioned Travis in a very serious manner.

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