Woke Up

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Razz POV:

Bright light hit my face in a stream, I turned over to avoid the light wanting to go back to sleep.

"Wake up sleeping beauty," an unfamiliar voice said.

Huh? Isn't this my room, what's a person doing in my room without permission, I thought, annoyed that someone was intruding in my room without my permission.

Suddenly I realized that the bed I was lying on didn't feel like my bed, it wasn't as fluffy and soft as my bed.

Realizing that I wasn't in my room, I remembered what happened, I was in the carriage with my brother when suddenly the carriage broke down. We went out to check what was going on when suddenly a group of monsters came out, we managed to beat the lower level monsters until a berku came. Knowing that we couldn't take it on we ran but got caught by the berku, I got hurt and blacked outed.

It dawned on me that I didn't know where I was I sat up wide awake and examined my surroundings, it looked like I was in a tent of some sort, and it seems that I was sleeping in a sleeping bag. Whoever took me was probably traveling, what worried me the most wasn't where I was but where my brother was, I didn't see him anywhere in the tent. What happened after I blacked out?

"So sleeping beauties finally awake," a voice said sarcastically.

Looking at the direction of the voice, I noticed someone standing near the entrance of the tent, they threw something at me and I caught it just before it hit my face, "Drink it your throats probably parched."

Realizing that my throat was indeed parched and I was thirsty I opened the bottle, checked to see if there was poison, and took a swig of it.

"You're smarter than your brother."

Swallowing a mouthful of water, I asked, "you know where my brother is?"

"Sure I do, make sure to tell him to check things before drinking and eating them. For someone that's a target of assassination by his own father, he sure doesn't know how to be more careful."

"Target of assassination by our father?"

"Yeah, apparently your carriage was sabotaged and your sachets were bestia flower-scented which attracts monsters."

"I see," I replied absently as I took another swig of water.

"You don't seem surprised that papa dearest tried to kill his precious sons."

"I expected as much from someone like him."

"My, what a loving family you are."

"You never told me where my brother is."

"Oh, him? I think he should be having breakfast right now, do you want me to carry you over or can you walk over yourself?"

"I'll walk over myself, I don't have any injuries that'll disable me from walking."

"Oh, good, no more nagging, be quick your brother's been fretting over you for so long," they said walking out of the tent after throwing a bundle of clothes at me and that's when I realized that I was still wearing the clothes I had on when we were attacked by monsters.

Although the blood was cleaned off on it, probably from magic, there were still some tears caused by the monsters.

Quickly changing into the new clothes that were given to me by the unknown person, I went outside and found my brother sitting on a log eating a sandwich of some kind.

Before I could call out to my brother, the person beside him tapped his shoulders and pointed in my direction.

He turned around and when he saw me his face brightened as he quickly stood up to walk towards me, "brother you're finally awake, I have some things to discuss with you."

I went with my brother to the private area where we could talk without being overheard.

"Brother, for now, you're called Razz and I'm Fern. I thought it'd be safest if we didn't reveal our identities so I told them that your name was Razz and mine was Fern."

"Alright," I said nodding with understanding, it makes sense to not reveal our identities to total strangers even if they did help us.

"Also, about the carriage and the monsters..." He said hesitantly as if he didn't know where to start.

"I know, father orchestrated everything," I said as I watched him struggle with voicing out father's involvement in all this mess.

Looking relieved, he nodded, "brother, I've decided to cut all ties from father as of today, I don't think I can hold on to him after all that he's done to us," he said hesitantly to me.

I looked back at him in surprise, out of the two of us he was always the one that tried to hold onto father, I've given up on father a long time ago. It was obvious to me that father would never come to care about anyone but himself, mother tried to shield us from father to the best of her ability but after her death, there was no one there to help us anymore.

Looking at my brother I saw that he was fidgeting and nervously looking at me as if unsure how I'd take what he said.

"What do you plan to do after you cut ties with father?" I asked, trying to figure out why he suddenly wanted to cut ties with father after all this time.

"I want to enact revenge and live the life I want to live just like mother encouraged us to do when she was still alive," he said to me looking into my eyes with determination shining brightly in his, "I will not be stepped on any longer and I will not seek love from someone that clearly can't love anyone but himself."

"That's good, I'll support you," I said to him smiling gently, as his brother I'm happy with this sudden growth in my brother although it was unexpected.

"You don't hate me?" He asked me hesitantly as if afraid of my answer to his question.

"Why would I hate you?"

"For breaking ties with father since he's the only family we have left after mother died."

"That man's never been a father to me and he never will, I don't care the slightest bit for him, In fact, I'll happily help you take revenge on him," I said to him, I know I sound vengeful but that man just tried to kill us, why should I feel the slightest bit of feeling for someone that clearly intended to kill us and will continue to try as long as we draw breath?

"So you won't come to hate me or leave me if I break ties with him?"

"No, I won't, now let's get back, those people are probably waiting for us to finish talking."

"They're probably not," he muttered as he followed me back toward the camp.

Hmmm....how long have I been unconscious that my brother got to know these strangers.

"How long was I unconscious for?" I asked, trying to get some information.

"About two days, I was worried about you but Neva said you were fine and even threatened to knock me unconscious if I kept on asking about you every few minutes."

"......That's a hard life."

"Yes, it was," he said nodding sagely at my comment.

This is by far utterly different from the way we were treated by other people before, but I guess that's what happens if a person doesn't know our identity. I can't say it's a bad thing since they're honest, I prefer that over the sugar-coated words that come out of the mouths of those greedy swine.

Now, how should I eliminate father? Brother has already stated that he doesn't want to be connected to father anymore. So I don't need to hesitate to eliminate father anymore, but seeing that he holds quite a lot of power, it may take some time.

I'll be patient for now and slowly wait to take father out.

Let's have some fun father, I'll enjoy watching you struggle until the very last moment~

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