Dessert Talk

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Lumen1128: Above is the image of how they look like with the disguise. As you can see I'm horrible with shading and my human anatomy is weird. Honestly, I'm not sure how to make the gem shiny and I'm not sure how to make the gold metallic looking. If you have tips, that would be great. I seriously think the image looks better with eyebrows but I still gave them eyebrows. 

"Hey, school's starting soon, shouldn't we have some type of disguise ready by then?"

"Nah, there's no need for that," Leona said, as she continued sharpening her sword.

"School starts in five days though."

"There's no point in coming up with an elaborate disguise, all you need to do is change your eye and hair color, then nobody will recognize you."

"That's a valid point, changing your eye and hair color is enough of a disguise."

"Yup, all we need is for you to make a charm that'll change our hair and eye color."

"I see....wait! So you're leaving all the work for me again!"

"Yes, I don't have the ability to make the charms, so you'll have to do the work."

"....You know.....I really want to strangle you right now."

"You love me too much for that," Leona said, giving me her best charming smile.

"No, I think I can still strange you," I said, taking a step closer to her.

"Wait!" Leona yelled, putting her hand up as if to stop me, "I brought dessert with me, don't kill me."

I stopped moving forward, "dessert," I said stretching my hands out, signaling for her to hand over the dessert.

Seeming to get the cue she immediately handed over the basket she had sitting by her side.

Opening the basket I saw delicious looking cakes and cookies, "You're forgiven this time," I said as I took a cookie out and took a bite, mmmm, jam cookies.

"So did you modify the uniform's yet?"

Lumen1128: Here's what the original uniform looks like with the school crest/emblem on the uniform

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Lumen1128: Here's what the original uniform looks like with the school crest/emblem on the uniform. I made the white too dark for this image, but I'm too lazy to change it into a lighter color. I figured that if I was to show a modified version of the uniform, then I should probably show the original version as well. Yes, again my human anatomy is horrible. 

Uniforms... oh the uniforms, I was so busy enjoying the sweets that I had forgotten the reason why Leona came over. Magius Academy has the requirement for students to wear school uniforms as proof that you go to the school, the uniform is given along with an ID badge that sticks to your uniform so you can't copy the uniform anywhere else. The ID Badge is only given to students and teachers of the school and it's administered by the principal and other high ranking teachers.

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