Reading in the Library

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Alright, I'm currently in the library sorting out my thoughts on how I should avoid my doom flag. So far in all the reincarnation novels I've read in my past life avoiding the capture targets won't work and will only attract more attention to myself. So to avoid turning the heroine's harem to my own personal harem, I've decided that I was not going to expend any effort to avoid or meet any of the capture targets. 

Also, to avoid being too involved with the heroine, I've decided that I'll study hard and skip grades. If I manage to graduate school before the heroine enters school or even while the heroine's enjoying her harem school life then I'll never meet the heroine. Which equals there are no death flags to raise. 

In the game, Ayana was one of those typical villainesses that was a rich spoiled brat. She was a huge bro-con and had a huge crush on the crown prince, Zyien Alvernaz. If I'm not mistaken it was love at first sight for her and as for the prince, he was indifferent to her and gave her the cold shoulder.

Seeing as I've regained memories of my past life, I can be sure that I won't be falling in love at first sight. Since I don't believe in love at first sight and I consider it stupid, because what's the point in falling for someone's looks and not for who that person is?

As for that bro-con matter, I can say I'm safe as well. Although I think my brothers are admirable I don't think I'll be getting a brother complex. Thinking back, I'm glad I regained my memories at the age of two since it gives me time to study and prepare myself. Also, who knows what'll happen if I didn't regain my past memories.

I might have walked on the same path as the Ayana from the game. Now that I think about it  I don't think I reincarnated into the otome game. It's more like I reincarnated in a world similar to the game, but not exactly the same. If I was reincarnated in the game there would be a pop-up screen with choices I have to choose from and I wouldn't be able to move my body the way I wanted to.

'Thank you, Kami-Sama, for giving us free will,' I thought to myself as I went to grab a book from the bookshelf. 


After reading a couple of books from the bookshelf I realized that I could read pretty fast, surprisingly it only takes me about one hour to finish a book and no I don't mean one of those kids fairy tale books. I meant those big books on history, science, botany, math, etc. 

Right now I'm wondering why Ayana was so dumb in the game because not only is my reading speed way faster than my reading speed in my past life, but I also have a very good memory, or what people would call a photographic memory. Thinking back Ayana in the game was probably really dumb because she didn't even bother trying. She was always busy mooning over the prince and basking in the attention of others. 

Well, having a good memory and great reading speed goes in my favor since It'll make studying so much easier. The only problem is that a two-year-old isn't supposed to read all these complicated books but that's okay. I'll just have to hide that I can read all these books, but if I want to study without being found out I'll need to make up an excuse to disappear at certain times of the day. 

Studying aside, I also need to learn etiquette and how to fight if I want to survive in this world, after all this is the medieval period. Luckily girls are allowed to learn self-defense in this period and there isn't really much discrimination of genders. 

I also want to have a good relationship with my family so I'll have to make time in my schedule to hang out with them. I'm happy that I was born into a loving family, but I'm unsure how to interact with them since in my past life my family rarely interacted with each other. We were more like strangers living under the same roof than a family. 

I should probably act like a kid though, even though I have the mentality of an adult, I have the body of a kid. Since I got all that sorted out I should read some more books before joining my family during lunch to better our relationship. 

I'm so relieved that the official language here is English, which means that I don't need to expend extra effort to learn the language here and I'll have more time to study. 

What's better is that this is a world of magic and I absolutely love magic. Sadly I have to wait until I get appraised to be able to use magic. For most people that get appraised, they'll use a crystal ball that shows their magic affinity and magic capacity but for the higher nobles and the royal family, they get to use a magical pen that writes down their stats and their affinity. 

Since I'm from the Duke family I get to use the pen, too. Honestly, the reason I'm happy about not having to use the crystal ball is because of those novels I read in my past life on how the crystal ball breaks due to too much mana and such.

Although a normal person wouldn't worry much because Ayana was basically useless in the game because of her being stupid and not knowing how to properly use magic. But I get the feeling that it's from a lack of trying rather than being useless, so I'm gonna follow my instincts rather than what little I remember from the game. 

Normally children get appraised when they come to age. So children at the age of 13 or 12 nearing 13, get appraised and you attend the academy at the age of 15. This means you have two years to practice and learn how to control your magic before you go to school to learn more about your magic and other types of magic. 

That said I think I should give you a crash course in this world's history. 

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