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I Ayana Zaremski at the age of two realized that I somehow reincarnated in an otome game my sister was crazy about in my past life. Now you might be wondering by now how it happened and how do I know that I was reincarnated.

Well, it all started when I was running around the mansion, yes I live in a huge mansion, a HUGE FRIGGIN MANSION!!! Sorry, the mansion part was a shock to me since I was part of a low middle-class family in my past life. Anyways, as I was running, I tripped over my own feet and bonked my head on the floor. 

After that memories of my past life started leaking into my brain causing me to faint and my parents to panic and call a doctor, I woke up the next day to my parent's great relief, but I felt that my parents were overreacting a bit too much. 

After recovering, I tried to remember as much of the details of the otome game as I could which was not much since I didn't really play it much. The only reason I played it was because my sister who was crazy in love with this game forced me to play this game. If I remember correctly I didn't like it because it was too lovey-dovey, I was a fantasy lover but I wasn't a big fan of romance because I couldn't understand it, plus the way the love bloomed between the heroine and the capture targets was to cliche. But the main reason I didn't like it was because the heroine was such a pushover. I mean COME ON! you don't need a guy to save you whenever you're in trouble. What happened with saving yourself? What happened with standing up for yourself?

The game made it seem like a girl needed a guy to save her every time something bad happened. I mean that would make the scene seem more romantic and maybe melt some girls' hearts, but I'm the type of person that would rather save themself than wait for some non-existent knight in shining armor to save me. Well in the heroine's case she had all the most promising and ideal bachelors on her side, but come on girl, don't you think it's too much? 

I supported the villainess' more in the game since they had the heart and courage to fight for what they wanted even though they didn't have a good ending. I understood why the villainess' were angry and wanted to get back at the heroine because not only did she steal the man they loved but they also stole the hearts of other men and was adored for not much reason other than her angelic beauty, pure heart, and naiveness. 

Now you may be wondering how I died after all that talk about reincarnation and no I was not killed by Truck-sama. No way am I gonna let myself die in such a cliche way, I died during a plane crash when I went on a school field trip to Europe. The plane crashed in the middle of the ocean so there weren't any casualties other than the people on the plane. The impact when the plane landed on the water damaged the plane greatly and killed a lot of people from the impact. 

When I felt that I was dying instead of feeling fear I only felt regret. Regret that I couldn't fulfill my dreams, regret that I never got the chance to really get to know my family, regret that I spent most of my life living the way someone else wanted me to live.

As all those regrets built up inside me darkness engulfed me and I lost consciousness. My last wish before I died was that I wished I lived my life the way I wanted to. I wished I had confidence in myself, I wished I never cared about the way other people viewed me, If I was reborn again I wish to live my life the way I wanted to. Free to make my own choices, Free to be myself. 

As I remembered the last moments before I died, I vowed to myself that in this life I will live my life to the fullest, free to be myself. I won't let some stupid heroine set up death flags to kill me. I'll survive, but the only problem with me was that I hated dealing with people. It's just too much of a hassle and if I wanted to survive I'm gonna have to deal with the heroine and her huge harem. *Sigh* "Why do these things always happen to me." I muttered as I fell asleep once again. 

*Sigh* I Got Reincarnated As The Villainess of an Otome GameWhere stories live. Discover now