Father's Demonic Training

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Six-Year-Old Leona Salvatore POV:

My father's a demon, I have confirmed it. In my six years of living this new life, I've never done anything as painful as my father's training.

I died at the age of fifteen in a sterile hospital room, I was born with a weak heart so I couldn't do extensive activities such as running and sports. From what I can remember I spent most of my life in a hospital room unable to enjoy life like a normal person.

I longed to be able to run around freely and play with other kids my age, I wanted to experience the drama life provided. But I couldn't do that, I could only sit there in my hospital bed and watch through a computer screen how drama and life unfolded.

I watched movies filled with drama but feature people acting stupidly and making the wrong decisions when the right decisions were so easy to figure out. Sometimes I would read news articles online, which made me realize that there were a lot of bad things going on in the world.

My parents rarely visited me in the hospital ever since my brother was born, It seems that they believed that giving their love and affection to a healthy son was better than giving it to a sickly daughter that didn't have very long to live.

At first, I was lonely and depressed, so I spent my time reading books to try and forget about the hurt I felt when my parents stopped giving their love and affection to me. As I was reading I came across a novel that featured a character whose predicament was similar to me.

They were upset a first, but later on, through a lot of drama and conflict, they realized their worth wasn't measured by how much their parents loved them. If they couldn't love them, then they should let them go after all life was too short to mope over spilled milk.

The character in the novel gave me insight and strength, I decided that If my parents weren't willing to give their love and affection to me then I shouldn't be saddened by it. If I can't treasure myself then how can others treasure me?

It was around that time that my parents stopped visiting me altogether, the most they'll do is visit me once a year which I was fine with. Thanks to the novel I wasn't depressed anymore by my parent's coldness towards me.

When I was fourteen otome games were rising in popularity, It seems these games were very popular among young girls. Hearing that these otome games were popular among young girls I decided to try and play one.

It was a mistake....I regret playing it, but since I started I should finish it.

I didn't have a problem with the plot being one of those cliche ones where the heroine was the illegitimate daughter of a low ranking noble and lived as a commoner for most of her life. But later gets brought back to the family because of her rare light magic.

What bothered me about the game was that the heroine was extremely weak! She was also an outstanding klutz, I'm seriously contemplating what these so-called capture targets see in such a girl to find her attractive.

What is so ideal about a girl that can't defend herself? Personally, I believe that the most desirable type of girl is the kind that can give someone a good punch or tell them off. Like those girls in animes that have a more elegant and princely vibe. I admire those types of girls and if possible I want to be similar to them as well, just with my own personal touch of mischief.

When I reincarnated and finally gained a healthy body, I realized that I was in the body of a baby, it sucked to be a baby that couldn't move properly, when all I wanted to do was move around. Not to mention all those embarrassing things babies have to go through in babyhood, that will naturally be forgotten as they grow older.

As soon as I could move properly, which I had to wait patiently for about two years, I realized that creating mischief and pranking people were fun.

If I ever get into problems with someone in the future, I could use them as test subjects for my pranks. I can already feel how fun it's going to be, fufufu~

As I was thinking of all the pranks I could use on people, I unintentionally grinned diabolically.

"Run faster! If you have the energy to grin, then you have the energy to run faster!" My father yelled at me from ten meters away.

How the heck can you tell that I'm grinning from that distance father? What type of insane stats do you have to have such good eyesight? Oh, wait, I also have good eye-sight, It's probably the carrots, I knew eating carrots was a good idea.

Dad, how do you expect a six-year-old to run faster when you literally tied a car tire to them with a rope!?

Not to mention you made us do stretches, fifty push-ups, fifty curl-ups, fifty sit-ups, and fifty squats just before you tied friggin tires to us and ordered us to run ten laps around the training ground. Do you know how big this training ground is? It's two friggin times the size of our huge friggin mansion!!!

I know I said I wanted to train but I'm a six-year-old that just started your demonic training routine. Ah, I'm crying internally, brother, I applaud you for surviving father's demonic training.

I looked to my brother, Laois Salvatore, and saw that he was diligently training with Ayana's brother. Alright, I can't lose, I said to myself mentally to encourage myself as I saw my brother, Ayana's brother, and Ayana trying their best.

Ayana, I admire you for the effort you're putting into this training, but I'm not going to lose to you, friendly rivalry confirmed!

After five hours of training, I was ready to collapse, my legs were shaking so much that I needed to sit down or else I'll fall down. I plopped myself on the grass besides Ayana, uncaring about the fact that it was very unladylike.

"I thought I was gonna die," Ayana said, exhaustion evident in her voice.

"I'm pretty sure we're doing hell's training routine," I said as I laid down on the grass completely exhausted.

"I could use something sweet to replenish my energy."

"Same, I don't think I can walk without falling down right now," I said, the sun felt so warm that I felt like falling asleep.

I almost fell asleep right there until I felt freezing cold water making contact with me and suddenly I jolted up in shock.

I looked up and saw Ayana with a bucket in her hand, smiling devilishly at me. "I see that you're awake now, it's time for you to eat."

"You could have told me that instead of splashing water on me," I said, accuser evident in my voice as I glared at her.

"You wouldn't respond when I told you it was time to eat, so I had no choice but to splash water onto you"

"You could have chosen a different way other than getting me wet," I said to her.

Before Ayana could reply my dad came up to us.

"For your first training session you two did pretty well, make sure you keep that attitude up during my training sessions since I'll only be getting harder," he said to us, giving us a devilish smile.

Dad, what are you plotting? Whatever your plotting forget about it completely. But more importantly, Yes! I survived, keep up the good work me!

I need to get changed and take a bath, I'm soaked because of Ayana.

Although I didn't appreciate Ayana splashing water on me, I was happy that she was my friend. She's the first friend I ever made in both lifetimes, although I don't know a lot about her yet, I could tell that she was loyal and loyalty is something that I look for in people that I associate with.

With Ayana by my side, I'm sure we'll be able to do lots of pranks, I thought happily as I imagined all the things we could do together.

Here's to my new life, Leona Salvatore's ready to live her life to the fullest. 

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