The Two Adventurers'

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Fern POV:

I closed my eyes preparing to hear the bone-shattering sound of the berku's giant paws slamming into me.

I heard the sound of something slamming into the trees, but I didn't feel any pain.

Slowly I opened my eyes and gawked at the sight before me.

There the berku laid with broken trees under it.

"How? Aren't they supposed to be heavy?" I muttered looking at the berku that was trying to get up after being thrown into the trees.

"Yo, dude, you okay?" A voice asked right beside me.

I jolted in surprise and looked to see a figure clad in blue looking down at me, I was so shocked at seeing the berku laying down on top of the broken trees that I didn't notice that someone had walked up to me.

"Yeah, I think I'm fine, but the berku...."

"Oh, that, don't worry, I'll take care of it," the figure clad in blue said.

"Uh, that's not what I meant..." but before I could finish a sword suddenly appeared in the person's hand.

....What?.....I think I'm seeing things right now, there's no way a sword can appear out of thin air.......right?

"You can stop gawking now," another voice said right beside me.

Again I jolted up in surprise and saw another person clad in purple squatting down beside me.

"Don't worry, Audra will take on that berku," the person said, "how's your pal doing?"

That's when I remembered that brother was badly injured from fighting the group of monsters that suddenly appeared after our carriage broke down.

Turning behind me I checked on my brother and noticed that he was paler than he was before.

He lost too much blood, if he doesn't get help soon he could die, panicked I looked at the figure in purple.

"I don't care who you are, but please save my brother," I begged them with tears in my eyes.

My brother was the only one I had left, our mother died a year ago, and our father barely pays attention to us.

"That's what I was planning to do now, give me your brother," the person said, taking my brother from my arms and into theirs.

A potion bottle appeared in their hand out of thin air, the person brought the bottle to my brother's lips and paused.

"Hey, could you slap your brother for me?"

I looked at the person in surprise, what sane person would slap an injured person?

"Pardon, I think I heard wrong, did you just ask me to slap my brother?"

"Of course I just asked you to slap your brother, how else do you wake him up," they said impatiently.

I don't think it's normal to slap someone awake, but they just need brother to wake up right?

"I'll wake him up, I don't think it's good to slap an injured person awake," I said.

"Alright, if you can't wake him up, then you have to kiss him."

I almost choked hearing the words coming out of his mouth, me kiss my brother?!

"Why would I need to kiss my brother?" I choked out, looking at them in surprise.

"To get him to drink the potion of course," the person looked at me as if I was stupid.

*Sigh* I Got Reincarnated As The Villainess of an Otome GameWhere stories live. Discover now