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Ayana Zaremski POV:

The door slammed open once again, I was expecting it to be another kidnapper, so I prepared myself to charge at the kidnapper, but I was surprised to find that it was my brother that threw opened the door.

They looked shocked to see us surrounding the tied up kidnappers. What do you expect brother? We ganged up on these baboons, do you really expect us to lose after surprise attacking them and using weapons? Oh, wait, they wouldn't know about that.

"Brother, what are you doing here?" I asked, "Did you also get kidnapped?"

They seemed to snap out of their shock after hearing my questions.

"Ayana are you okay? You aren't hurt anywhere are you?" Aspen worriedly asked, coming over to check me for wounds.

Brother, I'm touched that you're worried about me but could you please answer my question first?

"I'm fine brother, could you please answer my earlier question?"

"Ah, yes, sorry, we came here to help rescue you," Aspen said.

Anton, who also came over to inspect me saw some bruises on my arms and said, "You're not fine, you have bruises on your arm."

"It's not that bad," I replied, "Having bruises from being manhandled and thrown on the floor isn't much, at least I don't have any broken bones."

My brother's expression turned stormy after hearing my words, did I perhaps say something I shouldn't have said?

"Ayana we're going to be taking you home," Anton declared with a dark look in his eyes.

He then proceeded to lead me away with Aspen on the other side of me, leaving me no choice but to go along with them.

Before I left the room, I looked backwards and gave the other children an apologetic look. Despite the fact that they were also in the room, my brother's paid them no mind.

They seemed to understand my look and gave me a look that said, that's what overprotective brothers do. I guess they understood why my brother's ignored their presence.

Back home my mother fussed around me complaining about how could people handle kids so roughly. She then proceeds to threaten whoever kidnapped me in various ways that I won't bother to list since there seems to be a never-ending list of threats spewing from her mouth.

My father who I saw briefly after getting out of the old abandoned warehouse couldn't come over and fuss around me as well because he had to deal with the kidnapping case, which I was glad for because I don't think I could deal with two fussing adults, two brothers that come to check on me every few seconds, and the servants as well. 

I don't think that they got it in their heads that I'm fine and I won't just suddenly disappear with a poof! I've been trying to reassure them that I'm fine these past four hours but they just won't listen to me.

At this rate, I'm really complementing going poof, to get some peace and quiet. But that would cause a ruckus especially since I just got kidnapped so I can't just disappear to get some peace and quiet.

This was how my life went for two whole weeks, with people constantly checking if I was still there, which annoyed the heck out of me because I'm someone who doesn't like to be checked on every few minutes. Like, hello! There's no one that can possibly break into the house without alerting everyone since my parents decided to set up a barrier around the house after my kidnapping incident.

I wasn't even kidnapped while in the mansion, so I don't see why they're being so overprotective of me right now.

When the third week came, I finally had enough and went to my father's office to confront him.

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