Oh, I Somehow Got Kidnapped

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I Ayana Zaremski absolutely regret thinking that nothing could go wrong during our trip to Lostel City. Let me fast forward(rewind) to what happened three hours ago.

Three Hours Ago:

"Brothers please, let's go to Lostel City together," I said while giving my brothers my best puppy eyes.

*Sigh* "Alright, but only just this once, and you have to stay near either me or Anton," brother Aspen said, quickly giving in to my puppy eyes.

Yes! Finally! I've finally convinced them to go to Lostel City with me after thirty minutes of begging until I finally used my secret technique. Hah! My family absolutely cannot resist my puppy eyes.

"Okay," I answered my brother with a bright smile while doing a victory dance in my head. "I'll make sure to stay close to brothers when we arrive in Lostel City."

My brother smiled, satisfied with my answer.

One Hour Later:

I was wandering near the dark alleys a bit when a hand suddenly grabbed me and knocked me unconscious before I could cry for help.

Later when I finally gained my consciousness back I found myself bound and gagged to a chair in the corner of what seems to be an old building.

Really? What's with kidnapping and being stuck in an old building, I mean come on, this is so common. Actually, scratch that, it's a good thing these people are so unoriginal, my brothers will definitely figure out that I've been kidnapped into an old building once they find me missing.

There is no way they can't figure out that I'm in some sort of old building, I mean being kidnapped and stuck in an old building practically go hand in hand together. At least that's how the novels I've read in my past life portray these types of scenes.

Wait, this is a semi medieval period. Do they even have these types of scenarios in this world? Although this world seems to be in a medieval period setting, the science here is actually pretty advanced. It's pretty close to the scientific knowledge on Earth. Except for all the advanced science in the world they don't have phones or computers, not to mention iPads.

In this world, things are mostly powered by magic or magic stones. Magic acts like a trigger or fuel for some things in this world. Magic stones are charged with magic so they can power things as long as the stones contain magic. They have things like fridges, freezers, and modernish stoves here, let's not forget microscopes too. Microscopes are a must when you think about science, I mean think of all the scientific discoveries that were made by the microscope.

But despite this world's more modern science and math, yes math. Dang, I remember during school that subject made my head feel like it's been hit multiple times by a sledgehammer. Although it doesn't hurt my brain now since this body can remember and compute things way faster than my body before. Despite my more upgraded body, I still remember those times in class when my teacher hammered in all sorts of math equations and methods in my brain. Those were not fond memories.

So despite me being fine with math now, it's still going down with being one of my least favorite classes along with dance and etiquette. Dance is in my I don't really like list because it's linked with those extravagant parties where people act nice and flatter each other when really they're thinking the opposite of what they say. I probably would enjoy dance more if it's not linked with parties and high heels that could murder you.

As for etiquette, I understand that there's a need for it, but I cannot understand why we need so many different forks and spoons just for one meal. Not to mention etiquette demands you to talk to people you don't really know, which I don't see the point of. Noble kids of my age usually talk about toys, the latest fashion, which guy is cuter, and that's a bore. Also, WHAT THE HECK!!! Your still a kid why would you think about boys at the tender age of five to ten.

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