Second Class

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I swear, my luck is horrible, how did I end up in the same class as this dude! For God's sake, of all people why him?

This is like those scenes in books where someone saves someone but ends up getting killed by the person they saved. Lot of good doing a good deed did.

Why did I have to be nice for once and save those two punks? I should've known two nobles being out there with a father aiming to kill them would bring trouble. But, how did it end up being the crown prince and second prince we saved!?

I should have recognized them since I played the game, but it seems like I really didn't pay a lot of attention to the game.

At least they won't recognize us since they never saw our faces nor did we leak out any personal information. But, didn't we teach them how to fight and some survival skills . . . great, way to aid, the capture target to kill us easier.

I can't see what the girls in this school, not to mention Ayana in the game, see in this guy to fall in love with him. I mean he's the sadistic prince type character, you have to be a masochist to fall for that.

I don't know what most of the human population is but I'm not a masochist that's for sure. Though I do feel bad for him, I mean his own father is out for his life, I guess I can understand how he developed a sadistic personality, but not all personalities are developed . . . on second thought, maybe he was born with this type of personality.

I mean, I don't know this person and I didn't even pay attention to the game much so I can't really diagnose how his sadistic personality formed. That said I don't know for sure if he even has a sadistic personality, I mean that was how he was featured in the game for the description of the capture targets. It was also, what other players said about him, he was the player-favorite capture target, even though he's the hardest route and has a sadistic personality, the players love him.

I don't think I have to interact with him though, he's sitting in the front of the room and I'm in the back, this distance doesn't give us a chance to talk to each other.

This is what I mean when I said the back seats are the safest, you get a whole view of the room, plus people don't usually pay attention to the kids at the back.

It's a good thing that Leona isn't here, who knows what she might do . . . actually I can totally picture her pointing at this guy and asking him why he was here.

Go figure, the name they gave us that day was fake, not that I can blame them, we didn't give out our real names either, and thank goodness for that.

Razz is actually Zyien Alvernaz crown prince of the kingdom of Magius, which means Fern must be Rafael Alvernaz, second prince of the kingdom of Magius.

It seems that we already met two capture targets before school even started, honestly, I thought we wouldn't meet any of the capture targets until the heroine appeared. Since that's when all the romance happens and the villainesses in the game act as sacrificial cupids for the heroine's happiness and love life.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about the heroine's love life nor about this class, I read through lots of books about myths and legends, so I don't really see the point in taking this class, but apparently, this is a part of somewhat blending in.

At least myths and legends are interesting like magic unlike core subjects such as math, science, language arts, and history. Although some parts of history are interesting, others make me smack my head at how idiotic these people are.

I was close to graduating high school in my previous life, sure I may have planned on attending college but, I really don't want to relearn these subjects.

*Sigh* I Got Reincarnated As The Villainess of an Otome GameWhere stories live. Discover now