First Adventure

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(Lumen1128: So, I'm not very good with descriptions, so instead of trying to describe the outfits I decided to draw them instead. The purple on is Ayana's and the blue on is Leona's, when I colored them in I noticed that It'd be hard to see some of the details because the colors are so dark so I put the uncolored version besides the colored version. Also, I'm not good at drawing digitally so I usually draw in my drawing notebook, take a picture and trace my drawing on my iPad, I also happen to suck at coloring and shading, so sorry if it's bad. I'm not a very good artist, so I apologize right now if my drawings are bad for any future drawings that I might put in, if I didn't draw the picture, I would put a note saying that it's not my art, but If I did draw it I would put a note saying that's mine even if I suck at it)

I have finally departed on my first adventure, after leaving a letter telling my father that I'll be departing earlier than what was originally decided.

If I left at the supposed time then I'll never leave, I'm pretty sure father would cling onto me all day and I'm sure the rest of the family would participate in stopping me from leaving.

Sheesh, I'm only going for a couple of weeks, you'll think from their reaction that I'll be leaving for all eternity.

Good thing I was smart enough to leave early before anyone woke up, I swear the whole family is overprotective. I think I've proven to my family enough times that I can protect myself very well.

I appreciate the concern but please tone it down. Leona's lucky that her parents aren't super overprotective, unlike mine.

Speaking of which we decided to meet at the guild she should be here soon since we both decided to arrive earlier than the decided time.

Since she's not here yet I'll look at the quest board, both of us are currently rank F since we just signed up a few days ago and we didn't get to do many missions since we're supposed to keep our guild activities secret.

It would be suspicious if we kept on disappearing somewhere no one in the family knows, so to avoid suspicion our guild activities had to be limited which was a pain since it made leveling up harder.

F ranks aren't allowed to do challenging missions those of higher ranks get to do, the tasks for them are usually collecting some herbs, fighting low-level beasts/monsters, and other tasks. Missions are usually divided by rank, and you have to be approved by the guild to do a mission as a way to know that you chose the mission.

Apparently, Leona and I can't do harder missions unless we level up because we're only twelve and they don't want us to die. I feel kinda irked at how much they're underestimating us, but they don't know us and they don't know how hard we train every day to improve our skills. Despite us being strong, they still won't allow us to skip ranks, board quests are usually divided by rank and each rank has a board for it, you can usually go for a quest higher than your rank if you form a party but since theirs, only Leona and I added with our age were stuck doing F rank missions.

Despite working hard every day to improve our skills we still can't beat Leona's dad in combat, I can understand how he's one of the best swordsmen in the world. I swear If I didn't know better I would have thought that Leona's dad wasn't human, but it's been confirmed that he's human after we tried an experiment on him to test if he's human.

The experiment worked so it meant that he's human, we kept it a secret that we were the ones that did it since we didn't want to face his wrath. I can just imagine how much he'll make us suffer during training if he found out what we did.

Anyway, since both of us are quick in finishing missions we're able to complete tasks quickly in the span of one day. This means that we're really close to reaching E rank, I wished we could beat up someone at the guild to prove how strong we are but the guild doesn't allow us to fight inside the guild because it would be a pain for them.

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