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Iain Zaremski POV:

My name is Iain Zaremski and I am the father of Ayana, Anton, and Aspen Zaremski, as well as the husband of Viola Zaremski.

All my children are intelligent and kind, but out of all my children I worry about Ayana the most, Ayana with her raven black hair and enchanting violet eyes will grow up to be a beauty in the future.

Even I myself, find it hard to resist her charm. Every time I see her I want to spoil her with whatever she wants. I know it isn't good parenting to spoil a child, but my daughter's just too cute.

Ayana herself doesn't realize how breathtaking her looks are, which is bad since she could be attacked by bloodthirsty wolves. Men are attracted to beauty and my daughter has plenty of beauty, so as her father, I need to protect her from them. I'm worried about what will happen to her in school, so I've told my sons to protect Ayana from those insects and they readily agreed.

One day my sons came home worried and told me that Ayana had disappeared in Lostel City, a place where that man made his home base. I didn't have the opportunity to crush that scum of a man because of the other man's influence. Attacking right now wouldn't put the odds in my favor so I bided my time.

I was going to patiently wait until I could get rid of both of them but my daughter was kidnapped in Lostel City.

The news of Ayana's kidnapping angered me greatly and I wanted to charge in and remove the heads of those people that dared take away my daughter. But I had to restrain myself since my sons were here and charging in could place Ayana in danger.

When my men arrived bringing with them the location of my daughter, my sons decided that they were going with me as well.

I reluctantly allowed them to go, even though I wanted to leave them in the house where it was safe.

I sent my men ahead of us to dispatch the people in the warehouse, but something was wrong. Everything was too easy, that's when I realized that this was just a small part of that man's operation.

When I arrived home I immediately started collecting evidence and started planning that man's demise. No one takes my daughter and lives, I thought darkly.

A few weeks later as I was looking through paperwork on my desk my daughter knocked on the door and came in to request that I stop sending people to check on her every few minutes.

I rejected her since I didn't want her to get kidnapped again.

After my rejection instead of throwing a fit like most children would, she asked me why. I answered her truthfully and she surprised me by trying to make a deal with me.

I agreed to let her learn self-defense and change the time of checking on her to an hourly basis instead of every few minutes. My thoughts were that if she learned self-defense then she'll be safer from any possible wolves that might come near her.

"Fine, so who'll teach me self-defense?" Ayana asked in a curious manner.

My daughter's a very curious child. She would try to unravel anything that stoked her curiosity. I just hope that curiosity doesn't get her in trouble.

"I'm thinking of asking the Salvatore's to teach you combat and self-defense," I answered, checking for her reaction since most kids cowered in fear just hearing the Salvatore name.

There's plenty of rumors about the Salvatore's being demons that wouldn't hesitate the break people's bones. The rumors go as far as saying that they drink the blood of their victims which is laughable.

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