Leona's First Encounter with a Capture Target

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Thirteen-Year-Old Leona Salvatore POV:

Combat class was the best! I got to fight a lot today.

Though it's too bad that I didn't get to finish my fight with Sir Dylan, I wanted to keep on going, it was starting to get fun too. But that stupid bell interrupted our fight, what horrible timing.

Now I need to leave combat class.

Goodbye, combat class I will miss you.

"Please don't do anything crazy," Ayana said before leaving me behind.

What does that mean? I'm not a psycho, why would I ever do something crazy. That said, when have I ever done something crazy? I've only done things that were fun.

Doing fun things doesn't make a person insane. It just means that they're living their life to the fullest, life's too boring if you just do everyday things, you gotta do something exhilarating and enjoy youth to the fullest. After all, you can't be young forever.

But I wonder how you can have fun in science class, I mean I seriously don't want to sit at a desk all period listening to the teacher's lecture. How boring would that be, I'd probably fall asleep listening to how atoms and molecules work.

To me, they're just round circle things that happen to do things and move around.

Finally arriving in the classroom, I pondered where I should sit.

The front has the best view of the board but if I fall asleep during class I'll be spotted for sure. I should probably sit in the back, that way I can probably catch some "Z's" without getting caught.

Though, father always said that if you didn't want to be caught doing something, don't do it. But I don't mind getting caught sleeping in class so I should do it, right?

I headed towards the back row seat and sat in the seat closest to the window in case I needed to jump out of the classroom.

Always have an escape route in mind, you never know what might happen.

"Shoot, why is my luck so horrible, whatever force is watching over me, are you trying to kill me," a voice next to me muttered.

I turned away from the window to see who was talking and saw a boy with ginger brown hair and warm chocolate brown eyes. Whoever this guy is, he's quite good looking and if he were to be smiling instead of worrying over whatever's trying to kill him he would be even better looking.

I feel like I've seen him somewhere before. Let's see, ginger brown hair with warm chocolate brown eyes, a kind smile that gives off a boy next door vibe. Where did I see this image? I'm pretty sure I just met this guy today, so how do I know that he has a kind smile?

Hmmm. . . let's see. . . I think I saw him on a screen. A screen, a screen, . . . a screen.

Aha! I remember now. He was a capture target in Doki Doki, You Are My True Love, he was the nice guy capture target.

Let's see if I remember correctly the villainess in his route should be Grace Rosenberg, she's a baron's daughter and the half-sister of the heroine Camellia Rosenberg.

If I remember correctly Grace hated the heroine because when her father brought his mistress home, he gave all his love and attention to his mistress and their illegitimate child.

To Grace, Camellia and her mother broke her family apart. When her father brought his mistress home she was shocked but she didn't hate the half-sister and stepmother her father brought home.

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