Errmm, Come Again?! (29)

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After the stare-down that went on in the car, we arrived to the military graveyard. We had a short precession with the folding of a flag and trumpets, then we went to the graveside.

The grave yard worker guy asked if any of us wanted to help pack the dirt in as a final memory of Kenny. At that point Josh fell to his knees and cried out. Uncle Kenny was everything to him and more. Josh was shaking violently and nobody could help him.

My mum, his mum, his dad, and my Mimi reached out to him and tried to comfort him. After a little while in the blistering sun, Josh stood up and went into the front of the limo next to the driver, as the rest of us filed into the back.

With josh in the front, it helped ease the awkwardness slightly. With scattered sniffles & conversations from all around, the only source of liveliness that concerned me was from Jude.

My baby brother was on Niall's lap talking to him, about me. Oh joy! The last thing I need is more embarrassing situations.

Every once in a while Niall looks up from Jude and winks at me smirk-like and then turns his attention back to that ginger demon.

I looked at the love holding my hand. "That little devil is giving Niall dirt on me babe. Your job is to figure out what it is okay?"

Zayn just chuckled at me and kissed my head. "It'll come out in time, I'm sure it's nothing too bad."

I thought about that for a minute, what does Jude know about me? Hah! Nothing. Unless he lies, which he is totally great at.

"Malik. He's going to make something up. I know his scheme. He's out to get me."

"Grace, I'm sure it's fine. Chill hun."

"You're so laid back it's annoying sometimes."

"But you love me anyway" Zayn replied with a wink.

"No she doesn't love you!"

Zayn and I turned where the deep voice came from. Josh. He had rolled down the divider between the cabin and the driver.

Zayn sat quiet to ignore josh. But I was fed up with him acting like a jackass.

"Don't but into my conversation josh. You have no right to do so."

Josh was quick to retort. "I sure do Grace. I'm your older cousin. I have every right being in your family."

"Actually, you sure as hell don't. We are NOT related. Vonda was Kenny's second wife, and you came from the first one. My mum is related to Vonda's sister. So bitch please."

Josh's face went pale, then turned red really fast. He flipped me the bird then rolled the screen back up.

Zayn looked at me wide-eyed. "Okay, I'm never pissing you off. Ever."

"Haha, whatever you say!" I giggled at Zayn's reaction. He was too cute.

I looked around, everyone was absorbed into something else. Good, they didn't need to hear that. Especially not on a day like today.

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