Errmm, Come Again?! (17)

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My heart was racing as we reached the hotel room. We couldn't hear Haz, but we heard everyone else.

"Hey Grace, Zayn! Where's my Boobear?!" Louis was quick to ask, referring to his other half.

"Uhhmm, we sorta don't know. There was a situation, and Harry ermm disappeared!" I answered before Zayn. I wasn't sure if he wanted them to know what happened or not, yet.

"HOW COULD YOU LOSE HIM!! IM GOING TO DIEEE!" Louis ran over and started fake crying on my shoulder like the drama queen he was. Zayn could tell I was uncomfortable knowing that it was my fault he left. He pulled Louis off of me and put Lou's head on his own shoulder. I mouthed "thank you" at him and he nodded.

Liam eyed us and asked the dreaded question. "So what did happen out there? We heard you yell something, so we sent Zayn. Well he sent himself."

"I tried to kiss Grace, she pushed me outta the car, and Zayn gave me a piece of his fists. But I guess I 

deserved it." We didn't even hear Harry approach. There were gasps all around.

I spun around and he was standing in the doorway about 3 feet away. Zayn apparently thought it was too close. He pushed Louis away from him and pulled me away from Harry. He was mad, but he had it under control, this time anyway.

"You guess you deserve it? You, my best mate, tried to snog Grace, my girlfriend. You sure as heck deserved it!"

The grip of Zayn's hand around mine got tighter as he spat at Harry. Alot tighter. I rubbed my thumb across the back of his hand.

Harry just looked at me. I turned my head. I couldn't do this anymore.

"Zayn, babe, grab a bag. Let's go outside. You, and I, need to breathe."

I went to where the bags were, grabbed 2, and hands one to my fuming boyfriend. Zayn had gotten closer to Harry. Uh oh. I grabbed his free hand and dragged him out. I shoved passed Harry who was smart enough to move out of the way for 

Zayn. The others were still catching flies.

"Grace, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said. I won't get mad in front of you again. I promise."

I put the first bag in the trunk and then grabbed the other one from Zayn and put it in as well.

"Zayn, I know it's not like you to get this mad easy. You haven't smoked all day. Is that what's bothering you?"

"It's gonna be hard for me at first Grace. Because I quit smoking. It's a bad habit. And I don't want to risk losing you. It would kill me if that's what came between us."

"Awee, babe! You're so sweet. But you know you dong have to do this."

"Yes I do Grace. For you. For my health."

"Ok, so you're just quitting cold turkey?"

Zayn chuckled. "You Americans have funny sayings that remind me of Louis. They are so random and irrelevant! But yes. No more, it will be harder, and my body will crave it. But I have a new addiction."

"Good, but not. Zayn, don't make this harder 

on yourself. Don-" I stopped mid thought. His last sentence finally clicked in my brain. He just looked at me.

"Zayn? What is your 'new addiction'?" I asked using air quotes.

His answer was simple. I was expecting him I say perhaps alcohol, or tattoos. (I mean he has 7 already.) But he didn't. He said a 3 letter word that made my heart race. And that word was

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