Errmm, Come Again?! (21)

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By the time we got down to the lobby, I was out of breath and do was Niall! I mean come on, jumping over 100 floors? Who wouldn't be?!

Niall had his awful fake mustache on. There were like 3 fans outside, but they looked like directionaters who only like that douche Harry. Sure enough, I was right! We walked past them without any problems!

The Irishman and I walked a block to the nearest McDonalds! We hadn't eaten dinner yet, and this was quick cheap and easy!

"I'll order for you G!"

"Thanks N! I want a cheeseburger with ketchup and pickles only! And a fry! And a sweet tea!"

"Uhmm, what's a 'sweet tea'?" Niall used air quotes like he had never heard of it before. I guess he hadn't, not being southern and all.

"It's tea sorta like you drink, except its cold with tons of sugar!"

"Oh ok then!" Niall walked up to the register, I stayed near the wall inspecting the latest happy meal toys. They were Ice Age toys from the new movie coming out! It has Nicki Minaj in it, so I totally am looking forward to it!

Niall walked over to me with 2 huge cups in his hands and a proud look on his cute little face!

"I got our meal for freeee!" He sang just like in Bedtime Stories!

"Haha, and how did you manage that?! You surely isn't scare them! You're just about as frightening as a baby penguin!" I giggled earning playful daggers. "Oooh if looks could kill!" I continued!

"Shuddup! I'm famous! My name is Niall James Horan, and that cashier just happened to be a huge fan!"

"Uh huh. Or she just wants you! Oh look, here she is now!"

Niall turned around and came face to face with her. She carried our food over to us. Another clown makeup chick! He took the food, thanked her, and turned back to me, cutting her off. She was upset, and slightly embarrassed because she just got turned down!

We walked over to the drink machine and I got sweet tea. He followed my lead and got the same! We headed to a table in the corner.

"Niall, why do you attract fake girls?!"

We sat down at the table and I separated my food from his.

"Haha, what do you mean?!"

"She totally just tried I turn you on. When she walked away her hips were swinging too much to be natural." Niall just looked at me dumbfounded.

"I didn't notice!"

"How could you not notice her obviously freshly done makeup?! Puh-leasee! She had ant tracks and her mascara was still shiny! How did you not notice?"

I took a bite of my burger and waited for his reply. He was already done with 2 of his. Out of like 100! Just kidding, out of 3. But still, that boy can pack it away!

"We'll I'm going to pretend I know what you just said about her makeup. But I didn't notice because honestly, there's only one girl who I notice now-a-days. And you know who that is." He looked down blushing slightly and smiling thinking of her. I knew who it was. And she was going to have a cow when I told her!


At the mention of her name, I could feel my face getting hotter. My heart rate sped up. It was a thousand miles a second. I'm surprised Grace couldn't hear it. At least, I don't think she can. I couldn't believe G said that the girl of my dreams liked me back. Dang, I'm one lucky man.

"So when are you gonna ask her out? I have to know. Being her best friend and all!" Typical Grace! So curious, I know she's just happy for Breene and I though!

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