Errmm, Come Again?! (32)

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I was out of the pool and searched around for the guilty party of Zayn Malik. He was underneath the heavy metal table where Louis was on the phone with El. Zayn had a towel in front of him but I could still see half his body from behind the skimpy hotel "towel".

I went to talk to Niall first though. "Hey mofo! What's for dinner?!"

"Oh I thought you'd never ask!"

"Hah, I'm hungry, you & the others go to the room to change and I will grab Zayn, Harry & Louis. We'll meet you up there in 10 minutes okay?"

"Okay Grace!"

I walked over to Louis tapping him on the shoulder, "Hey Lou have you seen Zayn?" I said adding a wink.

"Hold on one sec babe. No Grace I haven't seen anything. Maybe ask Harry." Harry was about 5 feet away standing in his phone awkwardly.

"Okay thanks Lou, tell Eleanor hey for me."

"Okay, will do!"

I went around the sitting Louis to 'talk to Harry' so Zayn thought I left. I could see him slightly bent over looking at his phone.

I scrambled to the ground, crawling behind him until I got about 1 foot from his back.

"You hiding from someone Malik?!"

Zayn let out a very girlish scream and jumped up, hitting his head on the table and knocking it over in the process of standing up.

For once, I was glad I was rolling on the ground laughing because if I hang rolled away, the table would've hit me.

"Zayn. I. Think. I'm. Gonna. Die. Hahahahaha!" I gasped between my cries of laughter.

Zayn walked over to me rubbing his head, looking like he was in pain. I saw blood rolling down his arm and I immediately stopped laughing.

"Z-Zayn? Is t-that blood?" All the color was drained from my face when I realized he was injured.


I felt my head throbbing. I heard Grace's question but it didn't quite register with me. I brought my hand from my head and I could see blood. The sticky penny smelling liquid rolled down my arm covering my ZAP, turning it completely red. Then everything went black.


It seemed like everything had happened in slow motion. I grabbed my phone right as Grace was about to scare Zayn so I could record it for Keek.

I was laughing so hard tears were streaming down my face as Zayn screamed like a pre-pubescent boy.

The table came crashing down but I was already out of the way because of my recording.

Grace was in hysterics over the scream as I was. I looked over to Zayn who was walking over to Grace holding his head. I saw a trail of blood following him.

I panicked, and started to dial 911 when I realized I need stopped recording.

I got this whole thing on video.


HEY READERS!!!! Sorry for the slow updates! I have no excuse...


What do you think Harry will do? Will he report Grace & make her look bad because she broke his heart and Zayn broke his face?

Or will he be a good friend/bandmate and delete it?

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