Errmm, Come Again?! (7.5)

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Zayn's POV

^Darn it Malik. Why the heck would you do that?! Kiss her forehead, really? You don't even do that to Perrie. Thank Paul the boys didn't see. Why am I so stupid?^ Oh well. Whatever. It's over.

Grace was drifting off to sleep when I heard a crash come from the kitchen. ^What the crap could that be?^ I tried not to stir too much, so carefully I managed somehow to get the sleeping beauty off of me to go investigate.

I walked in to find Niall flat on his arse with a cracked plate. He looked like he was crying. Why was Niall crying? Anyways, food EVERYWHERE! Liam was just standing there fussing at him!

"Ahhhh for Paul's sake Niall!"

"Sorry Liam!! I didn't know the plate was gonna be that hot!! I just needed food!" "Niall, next time just let me make it!"

"Fine, maybe I should let you be my cook!"

"You meant your re-heater little leprechaun!" Liam smirked at Niall when he stuck his tongue out and started trying I clean it up. "Wow, ok guise, imma go back to the couch before I have to help clean... Night!"

"Night Zayn." Niall grumbled. Liam just sent me off with a nod. I went back to Grace on the couch and scooped her back up on top of me. I laced our fingers together, but quickly separated them. What the dump truck was I doing?! I had a girl friend!

Perrie was beautiful... But not as gorgeous as Grace, Perrie had to try, but she didn't she was just s- ^Gosh Malik what the heck?!^ I brushed my last thoughts of as I cradled Grace closer and drifted off to sleep.

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