Errmm, Come Again?! (22)

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I woke up with a note stuck to my forehead.

"My Grace,

The boys and I all stepped out to get breakfast just us lads! We'll bring you home some food! See you around 12.

Zayn xx"

^Ok, so it's just me and Breene... Hmmm^ I thought to myself coming up with the best idea ever! I grabbed my phone and the portable hotel iHome and ran to Harry's room where grace slept.

I put the volume as high as it could go on both of the systems and turned it to the chorus of Up All Night!

Breene bolted up and looked terrified as she watched me dance and sing along as loud as I possibly could. She started laughing and laid back down.

"Get up the boys are gone! Let's be ready when they come back around 12!" I looked at the clock. 11:38. Great. "We have like 20 minutes hurry!!"

"Ok Grace!"

I ran back to my room with my phone and iHome in tow, and started stripping down when I got a call... From my mother.


I was getting ready to see my boyfriend ^ahh I love saying that!^ and Grace busted in through my door scaring the shit outta me! There were tears streaming down her face!

"Grace! What the hell is wrong?! Are you okay?!" I ran the 10 feet to get to where she was and embraced her.

"He he he's de deaad. M m my un uncle. Who li lives her here." she tried to speak in full sentences but her sobbing was breaking them.

"Shhh, honey its ok. He's in heaven now. Shhh it'll be fine." This was an awkward situation. I mean come on, who knows what the flack to say! But it seemed to help, her tears slowed, but they sure as hell didn't stop!

"My m mum and brothers a are coming d down n now. F funeral is t tomorrow. I need a d dress."

"Good, you can see your mum and brothers! Am I going with you to the funeral? Will Zayn and Niall go as well? Because I will need a dress and the boys probably already have suits."

"P please come. Y yes Zayn will come and N Niall too." she smiled at the thought of us all coming. Her tears almost completely stopped. Shopping and Zayn definitely cheer her up!

"Grace, think of the bright side! Your family, aside from your dad, will get to meet Zayn!"


With that thought running through my mind, I about had a heart attack. Actually, I may have. The next thing I remember is waking up on Breene's floor, with 6 gorgeous faces staring at me.

I looked down, oh thank Paul, I'm wearing clothes! Unlike last time I fainted...

Breene spoke to me first "Grace? You ok sweetie? You fainted, we're about to put you in your bed. Just rest up!"

With that I felt someone pick me up off the floor and start walking. I was really dizzy. "May I have some water and 2 Aleeve? I'll loose my vertigo if you give me like 45 minutes." I spoke to the person carrying me. I didn't know who it was, until I smelt them. I should've known Zayn would be the one to carry me! He wouldn't let anyone else touch me!

My knight in shining armor looked down at my face as he set me in the bed. "Sure thing honey. I'll be right back." He kissed my forehead and he was off to go fetch my request. I had a sickening headache and I was dizzy. Damn, I must've hit the floor like a ton of bricks!

Zayn returned with the 2 blue pils and a huge glass of water. He handed them to me as I sat up gently.

"Thanks babe."

"No problem. And I'm sorry about your uncle. We can go shopping when you feel better, yeah?"

"Thanks Zayn. Yeah sounds good. You're coming with me to the funeral."

"I am?"

"Yes. That's why I fainted. Because your going to meet all of my freaky family." I sighed longing for a normal family. I added on to the end, "I hope they don't scare you off."

Zayn chuckled "I would be delighted to accompany you! But you must know, I'm not easily scared off."

"Good, because of you were, you might as well pack now. Because my crazy ass family is going to be grilling you all weekend." I smirked

"Good to know Gracie! I can't wait until you meet my family!" He winked as I blushed. Meeting HIS family was slightly frightening. But my family will be worse, hopefully!

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