Errmm, Come Again?! (3)

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"Well, what are we waiting for then?!" I replied while looking at my cracked white iPhone 4S, it was 1:37. "We have 23 minutes to get to the rooftop! So let's get a move on Breene!" For the first time this night, I took the lead. I pulled her out of the bathroom and into the lobby. Those girls were still outside. "Danggg! Those girls are so jealous, they need more makeup to cover up their green-ness!" I laughed aloud at Breene's rude remark as we strolled to the elevator. "More makeup is the last thing they need! It already looks like they did it with crayons, the green-ness just tops off their monster impressions!" She laughed at my comment while pressing the floor 210 button. It lit up like a light at Christmas! We both looked at each other simultaneously. The same thought reflected in our minds. "Not until we get off, we have to be punctual this time!" I warned her.

It was now 1:49 am and we had 3 floors left. We both knew we were early, but we took that as our opportunity to stop hyperventilating. I was probably flipping out about 20 bajillion times more than my great best friend was. She was always cool and collected on the outside. I could tell she was nervous, but she kept a lid on it. Breene is so in control of her emotions. She is the exact opposite of me. She lives in the moment. No wonder her motto is Y.O.L.O.! I live by my head, my rationality, but my emotions take control half the time. Hence why I'm in this situation. My mind is saying warning, but my heart is beating in a 4 letter pattern. L-O-V-E L-O-V-E L-O-V-E ! Harry Styles was my true love, but only I knew it. And of course Breene as well.

Breene broke the nervous silence, "The boys should be here in about 4 minutes!" "Ahh ok. Is my lack of breathing notivable and is my high level of anxiety showing?!" "HAHAHAHA! Grace, you are a trip! It's gonna be fine trust me! Just relax and play Angry Birds or something!" Breene spoke with confidence. She whipped her phone out and starting flinging those dang birds to kingdom come. "Oh and Grace, don't go on Twitter, or I will give YOU a piece of MY mind too!" All I could do was wink back at my best friend. I had the choking feeling in my throat once again. ^This is going to be interesting^ I thought to myself as the clock struck 2.

It's 2:45. Where the heck could they be?! I looked at Breene on the brink of tears, "Have we been stood up?" "Of course... NOT!! We don't get stood up. We do the stand ups!" "OH OH OH OH OH OH SO PUT YOUR HANDS UP OH OH OH OH OH CAUSE IT'S A STAND UPPPP!" At this Breene shot me a dirty look. "Whaat? Singing at the top of my lungs makes me feel  better, ya know, especially when we've been stood up! Face it Breene, the loves of our lives stood us up. They probably put of cameras around the roof to watch us flip out!" She just looked at me in shock, at this point all she could do is nod. I directed my voice to the 'cameras'. "HEY BOYS! HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS?!?! I KNOW YOU DO NIALL!! BECAUSE IT'S YOUR FLAG AND ALL!!" I flipped my Irish flag at the 'cameras' while Breene just stared at me and laughed her butt off! "AND YOU, MR. STYLES CA-" cutting me off was the elevator ding. Who could it possibly be at 3:30 in the morning?! As the doors opened we saw their silhouettes. All 6 of them. "No, i-it couldn't be!" Breene scream whispered at me. I just stood there in utter shock. And with the doors wide open, they started moving. The six silhouettes were moving towards us. Getting clearer and more visible in the light. After 90 minutes of fangirling and playing Angry Birds aka the dumbest, most addictive game ever invented, it was the moment we were waiting for. They better have a dang good reason for leaving us up here. Because I was furious. Absolutely, 100%, totally, completely enraged. Paul help them.

Author's Note: I think this is turning out well... (: Do you?! Please leave me your comments belowww!

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