Errmm, Come Again?! (7)

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I buried my head in Zayn's chest and sobbed. I. Am. Scared. Out. Of. My. Mind. He cradled me in his arms and stroked my hair softly. "Shhh, it's ok Grace. Everything will be ok. You don't have to watch it. Just concentrate on my voice. Shhh." he murmured in my ear.

His voice was melodic, it calmed me down. He was singing to me in a hushed tone. "Give ya this give ya that blow a kiss take it back if I looked inside your brain I would find lots of think clothes, shoes, love for zayn, [I could hear the smirk in his voice but I chose to let it go. I didn't want to interrupt his gorgeous voice. The one thing that soothed me in my hyperventilation.] stuff that's drivin me insane you could be preoccupied dif-er-ent date ev-er-ey night you just got to say the word but you're not into them at all you just want materials i  should know because I've heard the girls say I want I want I want but that's crazy I want I want I want but that's not me I want I want I want to be loved by you"

He kept singing to me in his angel voice. It's too bad he has a girl friend, he'd be such a good boyfriend. He's cute, funny, charming, protective- wait! What am I saying?!

^No Grace no! You can't do this! You will ruin everything! Stupid hormones!^ I mentally reprimanded myself. All I could hear now was Zayn singing. But his singing died down when he realized the movie was over.

It just ended. I looked up, still staying on top of Zayn in his arms I might add, and looked at everyone else. They were all looking at us. Their eyes bugging out of their heads. Well, except for Niall, who was in the kitchen reheating his Nandos from earlier. Dang, that boy can eat!

Breene shot me that 'We NEED to talk later' look. I just nodded discretely at her with my eyes wide. ^What was I doing? He has a girlfriend. I love Harry and Zayn loves perrie. We were just friends. That's all! Right?^ My thoughts were running every direction. I was freaking out. I think Zayn felt my heart rate dramatically increase, me being entangled in his arms and all. "Soo guise, erm, why don't we go to bed? The girls can use my room, I'll sleep out here." "Are you sure Zayn? Grace and I can just go to our hotel, it's not far!"

"No problem! Stay here so we can hang out tomorrow too! We have 3 more days here until we return to England. We would love to hang out with you ladies until then!"

"Sure thanks Zayn!" This time I replied greatful for the offer. "Anytime!" Everyone started getting up and doing their own thing. SoI spoke to Zayn this time in a hushed tone.

"And Zayn?"

"Yeah babe?"

"Thanks for what you did during the movie, that helped... Alot!"

"Sure thing Grace!" he looked around before what he did next, there was no one in the room. Then, he kissed me. Not on the lips, but on the forehead. Like an 'I will always be here for you whenever you need me' kiss. I just looked up at him from his lap and smiled at him. It's all I could do. I was at a loss for words, again. If I was superman, then he must be my kryptonite. And this wasn't going to end well. Someone would get hurt, and it wasn't going to be Zayn.

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