Errmm, Come Again?! (30)

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After my minute blow up on Josh in the car, the ride was fairly silent. I snuggled in closer to Zayn and had his arm placed over my shoulder.

The ride in the limousine quickly came to an end, but the family drama did not. My mum invited Josh over to swim at her hotel later that night. He quickly accepted after i scoffed at him. he winked at me when nobody but Zayn and I were looking.

I have given numerous dirty looks, but the one I have to Josh was indescribable. I felt Zayn tense up next to me, pulling me closer into him causing Josh to smirk.

Okay, two can okay at this game I thought. "It's okay hubby, you look totally amaZAYN in a swimming suit anyway!" I commented placing an over exaggerated kiss on his beautiful lips.

He smiled into the kiss, letting me he knew what I was doing before pulling away.

"Oh, baby, no. You look the absolute best in a bikini!" He replied back with numerous mini kisses to my face.

I pulled away from his arms that were circumferenced around my waist and winked at him.

He wound his fingers through mine and we strutted past Josh who's jaw was on the floor.

"You may wanna close that mate. It would be a shame to catch pests in there!" Zayn snidely commented to Josh leaving him speechless as we went off in search for Breene and Nialler.


As Breene and I got ready for the swimming pool, I filled her in about Josh.



"Sorry, I'm just pissed! At least you had a smartass comment back. And it's a great thing Zayn is scared of you!"

"Haha, yeah I guess! And yeah I'm glad he got a little taste of my comebacks. I'm just worried for swimming"

"It's going to be totally a-" Before Breene could finish we heard a knock on the door. I pulled my 1D shirt over my head as my suit coverup.

Breene accompanied me to the door expecting 2 boys but we were face to face with 5 shirtless men.

"LIIIIIIAM!!" Breene and I shouted, ignoring our boyfriends' presence leaving them with a slight pout.

We jumped onto Liam hugging him from his left and right, sandwiching him between our warm bodies. Breene kissed his left cheek and I his right.

"Girls. Can't. Breathe." Liam gasped

"Oh, sorry babes!" I responded pulling Breene off the british babe.

We greeted Louis the same way. Then were curt to Harry, unsure why he decided to come.

Breene and I saved our boyfriends for last, wanted our hellos to be special and not rushed. So we greeted each others' man first, then moving onto our own. Breene collapsed into Niall, receiving a world famous Horan hug.

I switched my glance from then to Harry, Liam and Louis talking then lastly to Zayn. My eyes roamed across his toned, tattooed, shirtless chest. Gah he was so gorgeous.

"You like what you see?" Zayn questioned making me blush heavily.

"Uh I uh umm" I stuttered out of purse embarrassment.

"It's okay. I like you checking me out, I mean you're my girlfriend, you're allowed to!" He chuckled cupping his hands around my face.

"Hah, yeah sureee." I whispered, his lips inching dangerously close to mine.

"And I love being your boyfriend Grace. Ya know why?"

"Why would that be Malik?"

"Because I can kiss you any time I want." He replied softly pressing his lips into mine, completing the perfect moment.

The amazing kiss quickly escalated as he moved one hand from my face around my waist, holding me closer than before. My hands went to his neck, grasping his hair between my fingers.

He pushed me closer to the wall, my back flat against the tacky wallpaper in the hallway. Both of his hands were now on my hips as my arms were clasped around his neck.

I mirrored his smile into the kiss, him pulling away because I was unable to with the wall and all. I kept my arms around his neck and his hands on my hips as he kissed my forehead then pulling me into his chest.

I closed my eyes and breathed in his warm skin. He had the scent I could identify as home and Polo Black too!

I felt him chuckle and I looked up at his face, noticing his 5 o'clock shadow.

"What's so funny Jawaad?" I spoke to him hoping it wasn't me.

"Oh nothing, we are just slightly alone in the hallway now..." He responded turning his head observing the area.

"Oh," I said looking around, "awkward." My face slightly blushed.

"Lets rejoin them in the room now, we still have time before we swim." He said kissing my nose making the blush return.

I just shook my head and pulled him through my slightly ajar hotel room door. As soon as we walked through, loud applause thundered.

I jumped back, and fell into Zayn who caught himself, as well as me, braving against the door frame.

Realizing it was just my friends being idiots, knowing what happened in the hall, I blushed the most I ever had in my entire life. I looked at Zayn with the clapping still happening, his face just as red as mine.

I saw everyone clapping except Louis. He was attempting to be serious.

"WHAT WERE YOU 2 DOING OUT THERE?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! THE HOTEL HAS A CLEAR POLICY OF NO SEX AND NO BABY MAKING IN THE HALLWAY!!!" Louis thundered, then busted out laughing afterwards as well as Niall, Breene, Liam, and Harry.

Okay, I was wrong, that statement triggered my worst blushing experience of all. Talk about embarrassing.

I turned to see Zayn's face that was even redder than mine, which I'm not sure how that was even possible!

Breene spoke next. "Seriously girl, save it for later when y'all are aloooooone." She wiggled her eyebrows at me. My mouth gaped open and that caused everyone to bust out laughing again.

"Okay, okay, okay, that's enough embarrassment for one day!" I said ushering Zayn towards the door. "It's time to swim anyway guys!" The rest followed the two of us to the outside pool. It's was twilight and such a pretty pool overlooking the beach.

We all gathered to the rail to look while Zayn and Louis were by the pool talking. My boyfriend probably receiving a lecture for our hallway affair...

We were all taking in the scenery when we heard a loud slap of a body onto water followed by coughing and laughing.

I spun around as well as the others and took a quick survey of the group trying to see if anyone was missing.

I didn't see my quiffed boyfriend and my heart broke into two as it pounded against my chest when I saw him struggling in the water!

"ZAYN!!!!!! NO!!!!!!"

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