Errmm, Come Again?! (4)

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As they got closer and closer my heart rate started speeding up. I could feel my hands shaking. My face was getting hot despite the cold air up on this blasted rooftop. They were pretty close now, I could see the outline of their gorgeous faces and their toned bod- wait, what was I thinking?! I'm supposed I be furious! I AM furious!

"Hey babe, I am sooo sorry that we are late!" I looked in the face of daddy direction himself. He would be the one to apologize, even when he didn't write the note, Harry did. "You are late. Almost 2 hours late to be exact. Why the heck did you pretty much stand us up! We have been through hell tonight! And YOU," I pointed at Harry, "caused all of this! WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?!?! Throwing your blazer at me?! And inviting us somewhere then standing us up!!! Seriously?! What is wrong with you?! Do you think this is right?! I thought you would have more sense than that, especially you Liam! You too Zayn and Louis!! You guys have girlfriends! You know how to treat women! And let me tell you, ITS NOT LIKE THIS!!!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs at this point. Niall and Liam were in tears. I didn't want to hurt their feelings, but what happens happens.

Zayn looked like he needed to puke. It was prob his nicotine time. He obviously needed a smoke break. Harry was just glaring at me. He was hurt, but he wouldn't admit it. Louis just busted out laughing. Louis William Tomlinson was laughing. In. My. Face. That set Breene off. "WHY THE FUDGE CAKES ARE YOU LAUGHING?!?! WHAT PART OF THIS IS FUNNY?! The part where Grace told you off?! The part where she insulted you?! Or the part where you don't know how to treat your own girlfriend correctly?! Bc that is definitely funny!" Wow, I love Breene's rude, mean, sarcasm. Especially when it shuts people like Louis up. Which it did. He stopped laughing and out his head down in shame like a little kindergartener.

Josh stepped from behind them. "Girls!! Calm your selves!!! You wanna know why we're late?! Well I'll tell you!!! We were mobbed by girls outside the hotel!! Those girls looked like clowns with their makeup drawn with crayons!! They mentioned you guys, saying they were looking for you! We're lucky we didn't tell them y'all were up here! And when we got in the elevator ALL 210 buttons were pressed!! The other elevators were all full. So we were stuck on it. Its the idiots who rode it before us's fault! Not ours! So watch it before I completely loose my temper!!!"

I didn't know so much fire could be in such a small package. A 5 ft 4 inch package to be exact. Breene and I caught eye contact and it took everything in us to not eerily with laughter. We were the ones who pushed all the buttons. We didn't think it would be them who got in the elevator next. We just hoped it would be one of those wicked witches of envy who got caught in it. We just turned back to the boys and looked at each one of them in their eyes. We felt bad, but so did they.

I looked at Harry and he looked at me. We nodded simultaneously. We were on the same page. "I apologize." we all said the same time. All 7 of us. Zayn was off on his smoke break. Typical disconnected Zayn. I spoke up, "Boys? Can we all start over? Can we pretend this never happened? Our first impression is jacked up so can I call a do over?" "Please boys? We're not really this witchy! We were just mad!" Breene added on. It was quiet for a minute while we searched them with out pleading eyes. Hat was about 5 seconds of waiting, it felt about 20 minutes.

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