Errmm, Come Again?! (12)

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We got back to our hotel sooner than I thought. As soon as we got in the room, Breene began...

"Ahhhh! Graceeee! You and Zayn?! Why didn't you tell me?! I can't believe you wouldn't tell me!!!"

"I was going to tell you... Please don't be mad at me! I didn't even know it was anything! I thought I was just his rebound! I was gonna tell you, but I had to talk to you privately!"

"WAIT! What do you mean 'rebound'?!"

"Errmm, well, Perrie sorta cheated on Zayn and used that as an excuse to break up with him." I wasn't gonna tell her the part where he forgot all his feelings for her when he saw me... It was a needless detail that I will cherish as my little secret!

"Ahhh! So he really does like you? Was that the first time y'all kissed?! It didn't look like it!!"

"Wellllllll, let's just say we had to find some way to entertain ourselves while waiting for you guys to get up..."

"AHHHHH!!!!!! Omg, Grace!!!! I thought you loved Harry?!"

"That's the prob Bree, I still do. I never stopped, but Harry has been a dillweed to me ever since we got here. Zayn told me something about him in the elevator last night..."

"What did he tell you?"

"Zayn told me to not let Harry come between us. He said he could tell Harry fancies both of us. So to watch out."

"Eww! No offense Gray, but I would never! Harry's a-"I cut her off aware what she was about to say. "Yeah yeah I got it! I know trust me!" Glossing over the detail of him trying to grab my butt. Another unneeded detail!

"I still can't believe you snogged that ashtray!!! And more than once too!"

"I know! The worst part is that it actually didn't taste any different. I think he's more addicting than the cigarettes are. He's like my personal brand of heroin. You saw where I slept last night! How I came to you this morning! How he protected me like I was just a precious, innocent child! Not one that he snogged all morning!" I giggled at the last part, he made me feel like a giddy school girl. Sparks and butterflies EVERYTIME!

"Yeah, I noticed!!! Just don't break out in hives or anything!!"

"But if I do, he would take care of me! We could play doctor!"

"1st of all, eww! 2nd of all whatever floats your boat or sinks your ship. Either way, I'm not effected so were good!"

"Haha ok Breene, way to be there!" I just winked at her and she rolled her eyes. I looked at my phone, holy crap!! We had to be back at the hotel in about 10 minutes!!!



We scrambled to get our stuff together. I usually took longer so I just changed into my suit, threw my coverup on, grabbed my RayBans & headphones and jetted to the car! Breene was hot on my trail! We had 3 minutes to be there and we didn't wanna be late unannounced! She hopped in the drivers seat so I could brush my hair. Before I even touched my hair my phone vibrated, I looked at it.

From: Zayn Jawaad Malik Is A Sexy One Of A Kind Bradford Bad BoiHey there babe! Vas happenin? We're ready here are you on your way? Miss you xx

Reply to: Zayn Jawaad Malik Is A Sexy One Of A Kind Bradford Bad Boi1st of all, really?! The name?! Seriously?! Self conceded much (; haha yes Breene and I were having a girl chat... Everything is fine! Don't worry! Miss you too! Be there in like 3 mins xx

I set my phone down and quickly brushed and fish tail braided my hair to the side. I slipped my raybans on. Beach day = no makeup which = insecure. Why am I so worried about what people think? I've always wanted to be that person that doesn't care what people say about them, but I guess I'll never be.

I turned on the radio to the new song that was topping the charts. By a certain British-Irish boy and I happen to know. And just my luck, it was just beginning..."IM INSECURE DON'T KNOW WHAT FOR, IM NOT GRACE DANIELLE OR ELEANOR OR OR!" Breene belted out at the top of her lungs! She turned and looked at me when I turned it down slightly. She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Ha ha you think you're sooo funny!"

"Oh come one Grace lighten up! Besides that way my jam!!!"

I just laughed at her as she cranked the stereo all the way up and started singing again, just in time for Harry's solo... Oh boy, he can't really hit those high notes well. And with Zayn's voice mixed in there, I could die and go to One Direction heaven!

We pulled up to the Ritz and parked my 2010 white Honda Pilot in an empty spot. I was about to text Zayn to let him know we were on our way up when someone reached from behind me and covered my eyes. I screamed!! "Woah, babe! Calm down! Guess who?!" without guessing I pulled Zayn's hands off my eyes and spun around to face him. "Never do that again Mr. Malik!! Unless you would like me to permanently damage your baby maker!!" He blushed and then kissed me on the top of my head like it was nothing. I let it go, he would always win!

I looked and saw the other boys standing there in their bathing suits with Breene walking to the car ahead of us. It was a limo. A stretch SUV black limo. Dang. These boys knew how to ride in style!Zayn interrupted my awe. "You ready beautiful?" I grabbed his hand and interlaced his fingers in mine. "I've never been more ready!" He smiled and swept me of my feet, literally, he picked me up, bridal style keeping our hands interlocked somehow. He kissed the top of my nose and carried me to the car. "That's what I like to hear!"

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