Errmm, Come Again?! (36)

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Grace's POV

I ran through the hotel suite to catch up with Zayn and the rest of my peeps. "Way to leave me behind guys."

Breene just rolled her eyes so I simply flipped her off. she faked hurt and I blew a kiss; which she caught, dropped, and stomped on with great exaggeration. Gotta love her.

We all piled in the limo and made out way to the beach. Louis, Harry, Breene, and Niall wanted to swim, so we sent them on their way with Paul.

"Hey boo thang?"

"Zayn, seriously. Stop trying to be a southern white American. It's not exactly working for you."

"Who said it ain't workin for me?"

"Your girlfriend. And the rest of humanity."

"Okay, okay. Way to be harsh."

"Any time. Haha, so what exactly were you gonna ask?"

"Do you wanna go do something besides walking on the beach? Would you rather go to the Boardwalk?"

"You read my mind Malik." We started walking towards the Boardwalk as he replied.

"Grace, I can't help that I know you so well."

"Okay Mr. Mind Reader, what am I thinking now?"

"'Zayn Malik is so sexy and all I want to do is rip his clothes off and f-'" I quickly covered his mouth with my hand, my face turning more red than a fire truck with a fresh coat of paint.


"Don't lie babe; you were thinking that this morning." He simply shrugged it off and smirked.

"How about try again?"

"Grace, you're thinking that you want me to kiss you."

Before I could respond, Jay cupped my face with his rather large hands and kissed me. I instantly melted to his touch. I kissed him back, tugging his hair at the roots, pulling him as close as can be. A wolf whistle from a random stranger broke us apart, making us blush insanely and put us into hysterics. We kept laughing and started back on our walk to the Boardwalk.

"OO OO OO JAY LOOK!!" I started screaming when I saw my favorite Boardwalk snack being eaten by people walking by us.

"Lydia, babe, calm down. Don't attract attention. What is it?!" Of course, I should be more quiet.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it! It's my absolute favorite Boardwalk food." Zayn just doesn't understand my connection with this food. I have had great memories and terrible memories revolving around this fair/Boardwalk snack.

"Babe, what is it?" He was so curious, it's adorable.

"Lemme tell you a story first. Okay?"

"Sure Gracie."

I then told him the story of my first boyband concert, which I had this amazing snack at. That boyband was the Jonas Brothers. They were my first boyband obsession. Zayn did look slightly jealous, but what can I say? They are the JoBros. I can't help it.

Next, I told him about the one time I ate the heavenly goodness, and proceeded to throw up on the loopty-loop roller-coaster, became disoriented, and sprained my ankle loosing my balance stepping off the ride.

"So the good experience with your snack, that you won't mention the name of, was obviously the karma in spraining your ankle for liking the JoBros. Right?" I couldn't tell if Zayn was being serious or not. So I shot him the dirtiest look I could muster.

"Grace, I'm kidding. I'm sorry you sprained your ankle. I'm also sorry you like the Jonas Brothers. But I'm glad you love this unmentionable snack. When are you going to tell me what it is?"

"You're so funny Malik." I only replied to his JoBro stab, to annoy him and excite his curiosity a little more.

"So what is this mysterious fair & Boardwalk junk food?"

"Promise me one thing, and then I will tell you."

"Anything in the world."

"You have to eat at least one."

"Haha, that's it baby?"

"Yupppp." He has no idea what he has gotten into.

"Okay, I promise to eat one. Now what is it?"

I didn't respond, I just dragged him to the nearest kiosk that served my specified food.

"Hi, my name is Amy. What can I get for y'all tonight?"

"Hi Amy, I'll take an order of fried Oreos please."

I looked at Zayn, whose eyes were wide as saucers. "F-f-fried O-oreos?"

"That's it baby." He caught on that I was mocking him from not even 5 minutes ago and rolled his eyes. He have the girl a $10 bill and told her to keep the change, grabbing the Oreos that were deep fried in pancake batter.

"Are you ready Zayn?"

"As ready as I'll ever be Grace."

I got my phone out to record this monumental moment, and he took a bite. His face was priceless.


Hey lovelies(:

Okay just to clarify;

Grace, Lydia, Gracie, and Lyd are all the same person. So are Zayn, Jay, and Malik. Haha.

Sorry for the long wait. School is crazy. And my WattPad f-ed up with the new software update and I lost everything. And I just haven't had time.

Anyways. Fried Oreos. I had some tonight. NewSpring Church was my inspiration. Thank them.


Abbey xx

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