Errmm, Come Again?! (16)

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"Grace? Babe? Wake up beautiful."

Though the voice didn't sound like his, I expected Zayn. I wanted to see who was extremely close to my face. I popped open my eyes then hurriedly shut them back!

"Ewww! Styles! What are you doing?! Get outta my face so I can open my eyes!"

I felt him back off of me and take the now empty seat next to me.

"Where are Zayn, Breene and the others?"

"Does it matter?"

"Uhmm, yes?! My boyfriend, best friend and guy friends are missing. And I'm in a limo alone with a male version of a greyhounmd bus."

"Don't call me that babe! It's not true, ya know?"

"Actually, I do know. Mr. I Date Woman 2X My Age."

"But I have you now Grace, I don't need anyone else!"

 Harry started inching closer to me like he was going in for a kiss. I backed against the door; I unlocked it and put my hand on the door handle. I hope he doesn't get hurt from this! Wait, yes I do hope he gets hurt!

Harry closed his eyes prematurely, still leaning forward. He was almost to me, almost to his punishment. I had always wanted to kiss Harry. But not anymore. I have Zayn who is twice the man Harry would ever be. I could feel Harry's breath hot on my face.

I whispered seductively taking his collar with my free hand "Time for your consequences, you bad bad boy!"

He groaned in anticipation, I tugged at his collar making him fall forward as I opened the door. HE FELL OUT!

"THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR TRYING TO KISS ME STYLES!!!!" I yelled at him as loud as I possibly could. Praying that Zayn would hear. I was staring at Harry when I heard footsteps loud like an elephants come across the parking lot. ^I guess Zayn did hear me^ I snickered to myself.

It didn't take Zayn long to get to where I was. He must've hauled ass! He looked at me full of concern and regret.

"Babe, are you ok? I heard what you said. Did anything else happen?!"

"I'm good, surprisingly! I'm just happy my plan worked!"

"Is that why that fake mate is on the ground?"

"Haha, yes dear! Don't worry I'm fine."

By this time, Harry had gotten up off the ground and was leaning against the front half limo. He was holding his left wrist with his right hand. I looked over to him, he winked at me. I rolled my eyes in disgust back at him. Zayn followed my gaze. Then he turned to me again.

"Grace, go inside and go help bring stuff out. We're done packing." His tone was full of fury.

"No, they can handle it. I am going to stay out here. I need fresh air. And I have to make sure you don't kill Mr. Two Timer over there."

"Grace, this is between me and him. Go inside, please."

"Errmm, come again?! This is actually about what Harry did to ME! Not what Harry did to ZAYN, it’s what he did to GRACE. And how GRACE'S boyfriend left her with that thing alone. This involves me more than you actually. I know you’re furious, but I have every right to be too. I took care of it. He hurt his wrist by the looks of it. If you wanna hit him, go ahead! Just let me referee. You can't kill a band-mate, no matter how pissed off you are!" I finished my monologue with my hands on my hips. I reminded myself of Louis, full of sass.

"Fine, but if you say stop, just know, I won't." That was Zayn's response.

I tried to pull him back by his Varsity jacket, but he just shrugged it off and kept going. ^Well, I'm freezing so this helps.^ I tried to find the best of the situation.

Zayn reached Harry, fists balled, eyebrows furrowed. Harry looked slightly frightened. Probably mostly the fact that he only had one arm to defend his self. I heard yelling but I tuned it out. Who knew how bad Harry would turn the story around? To make it seem like I was the bad guy. I didn't wanna know how much of a pathological liar could be. But something could my ear. It was a loud thud.  I whipped my head from my feet to the boys.

Harry was holding his mouth, with his left hand, trying to block Zayn with his uninjured right one. Zayn kept swinging. I watched Zayn keep throwing punches, Harry carefully dodging most of them. It reminded me of earlier, when he was pretending to be a seagul. That's how wild his throws were.

I could feel my feet running. I didn't know what I was doing. But I had to stop this. Harry was leaning against the limo clutching his stomach, not breathing.

I stepped in front of Harry wincing as Zayn was about to make contact with my left shoulder, thinking it was Harry. He skimmed past it and hit Harry's shoulder.

"ZAYN! STOP! HE'S HAD ENOUGH! HE WON'T TRY ANYTHING AGAIN! HE CAN'T BREATHE!!!"I smushed myself against Zayn. Wrapping my arms around his back, locking my hands together. I had caught him in between him dishing the blows. His upper arms were pinned under mine. I knew I wasn't strong enough to hold him for much longer. ^Adrenaline really helps in situations like this!^ If he could listen to me, maybe he would stop.

"Zayn, babe! Listen, stop it! You knocked the wind outta him. He has a sprained wrist from trying to catch his fall that I punished him with. You hit him enough times to make your point. He won't do anything again. If he does, next time, I won't stop you." I searched his face, he was definitely calmer, but he still looked like he wanted one more hit. I had to do what I did best, bring humor into the situation.

"Honey, think of poor Louis. Stop for Louis! They can't be Larry Stylinson without Harry! Come on, it wouldn't be the same!"

He looked at me and cracked a smile. I attempted to wiggle my eyebrows at him, but miserably failed! He chuckled at my epic failure. I 'wiggled' my eyebrows again.

"Is this funny to you Malik?!"

"Haha, yes, you can let me go now. I won't hit him, I swear!"

"What if I don't want too?"

"Then I'll do this!!" He poked my side, knowing my weakness.

"Heyy! Haha, that's, ahhh, that's not fair!" I started making weird noises because he kept poking me. I tend to make farm animal noises when people poke or tickle me. I don't know why I just do!

"Yes it is! Now will you let go? I can get you off of me but I don't wanna hurt your fingers!"

"Fineee!" I agreed releasing him. He always wins, but it didn't bother me, it wasn't a game that actually mattered!

When I released him, I turned around and started to walk away, but he just pulled me back to him in a backwards hug. I shifted my eyes to where Harry used to be, he wasn't there. And quite frankly, I didn't care where he was. Zayn put his head on my shoulder. He whispered in my ear.

"Remember this from earlier?" He started rubbing the tip of his nose along my neck. I turned around slipping the varsity jacket off discreetly as I went. I turned slowly so I had enough time to take it fully off.

"Remember THIS from earlier?!" I asked him rather loudly holding the jacket over his head, rubbing it in his precious hair! I jumped back from him as he growled.

"Do you remember what happened when you messed with my hair last time?" he questioned with his eyebrow cocked.

"Yes! You got your arse handed to you by Breene! Right?!"

"That's not exactly what happened... But remember it how you want! But my revenge will be sweet this time!"

"Oooo, sweet like frozen yogurt or sweet like candy?!" I asked sarcastically.

"Neither!! Its gonna be sweet like a payback Popsicle!"

"Hahahaha! Whatever Jawaad! Let's go help them bring the stuff out!"

"Sure thing princess!"

He took my hand in his and we were off. Neither of us knew where Harry was. But we were just fine with that! The less Harry, the better. Just the way we like it!

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