Errmm, Come Again?! (27)

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Hey readers! I am sooooooooo sorry about how long it took to update! It's been like over a month I think... Yikes! I have been super slack, and I apologize! This chapter may not be the best, but there is more to come soon (:

PS I'm almost at 1000 reads, eeeep!

ANYWAYS here's the chapter (: hope you enjoy!


I woke up in the morning in Zayn's bed, the sheets were rapped around me. ^I'm such a cover hog^ I thought to myself.

Zayn was still knocked out, boy must be tired! Or maybe the movie caused him to not sleep during the night, so he is nocturnal now?

I cautiously hopped up from the bed, half the covers still around me. I headed to the bathroom to rinse off in a hot shower. I stripped the blankets off, got in the shower and turned on the water. I like my water like I like my men: hot! (A/N corny but get over it)

It took the water too long to get how I wanted it to, so I got out, hair sopping wet with warm-ish water. I was freezing, I had forgotten to turn the hotel bathroom fan off.

I looked at the clock, it was 10:56 am. The funeral starts at 1. It takes 45 minutes to get there, 10 minutes to get to the rendeveous point for the limo, so I was running out of time to get ready!

Wrapped in my towel, I ran to Breene's room, where my clothes were. I passed most of One Direction in the living room, but they didn't say anything, knowing what today was.

I closed the door, and turned the light on in her room. "Hey Horan! I'm getting my dress! Show me yours!"

I was pulling out my dress from the closet, when Breene came out from the bathroom. Her dress was so similar to mine, but on the other hand it wasn't! It suited her the black and blue!

She saw me gawking at her gorgeous self and rolled her eyes. "Only for you, I will wear these legal weapons!" Breen teased holding up an adorable pair of wedge heels that I would have to steal from her for future use, not that she would mind!

"I'm taking those tonight." I widened my eyes at her and she responded "I figured babes!" With a nod, I headed to her bathroom and changed. I curled my hair, and then braided my over-grown bangs back, and applied my waterproof makeup.

I emerged and Breene shook her head, "I should've expected all those ruffles, haha, you look hot!"

"I had to match the weather! Wait till I put on my shoes!" I winked.

"Oh gosh. Please no. Not the Charlotte Russe shoes."

"Just kidding! I'm wearing wedges like yours! Except mine are blue and sparkly!"

"Now that, I did expect! Typical you Gracie!"

"Sparkle is my favorite color!"

"Just like your shoes, and your personality, right?!" Breene referenced to my post-wisdom teeth removal video.

"Hah hah, very funny Jenn-ay!" That was her name we used to call her in our 4th block of senior year!

"You didn't go there!!"

"Yes NN, I sure did!" I stuck my tongue out and she flipped me off playfully!

I had to go get Zayn, so I blew Breene one last kiss and headed off to find my boyfriend, who wasn't in his room!

I walked into the living room area, and found 2 boys in suits, 2 in pajamas, and 1 completely naked with only a pillow covering him...

"Gosh Harry, put some clothes on why don't ya?!" I reprimanded him. Normally, I wouldve died, but with everything that's happened since we met, I was disgusted.

Zayn quickly jumped up and stood in front of Harry, facing me. "Sorry babe, but being a directioner you know his habits!"

We all bursted out laughing and I heard heel steps behind me. Breene and I were totally ready, as were Niall and Zayn!

The boys of One Direction stopped laughing and stared at us. The world famous boyband, was gawking at Breene and I. This was invigorating!

"Hey boys? Can you pick your jaws up off the floor, we need to head out!" Oh Bree and her comments! We turned around and walked to the door, which wasn't that far away.

Zayn and Niall practically fell over themselves trying to get to us.

"Eager aren't we?" I joked, being the opposite of it myself. I am dreading Zayn meeting my family.

I know Jude (my 5 year old brother) loves Zayn, but I'm not sure about my other 2 brothers or my family. Zayn is Muslim, and British, and 19. I'm 18, but still. Not to mention he's in a world famous band.

Shaking my worried thoughts out of my head, I tried to focus on what I was doing. We hollared our goodbyes over our shoulders and we descended in the lift.

"Don't worry babe, every thing will be fine. Don't make yourself sick, it's going to turn out. Calm down, your family will like him!" Breene whispered in my ear as Zayn opened the door for us.

I nodded in reverence of what Breene said, taking her words and trying to make them reality.

For the next 10 minutes, I focused on the road, mentally preparing for the bombardment of questions Zayn and I were sure to receive.

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