Chapter 2

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Camila POV

My family ends up leaving the Jauregui's around ten. After dinner I spent the rest of my time there in Lauren's room. It was a little awkward since the girl I met today Ally told her that she needs to stay away from me. It was a little entertaining watching Lauren's face when I told her I'm the girl Ally was talking about. It's a shame she made the promise to stay away from me though. I have a feeling that promise won't be kept because we are neighbors and by tonight's indication our families like each other.

I go straight to my room and change. I grab my IPad and walk over to my window seat. It happens to be the one that faces Lauren's room. I go to FaceTime and click on Sandra's name. Moments later my best friend pops on the screen.

"Camila!" She smiles widely. "How was your first day at Miami High?"

"It wasn't bad. The school is HUGE and I felt so little. I guess a positive thought is I wasn't the only one who looked lost on the first day." I laugh thinking about all the people who were frantically looking for their classes. "I met a couple of people already."

"And to think you thought you were going to go the whole school year without being noticed! Tell me more about it? What are they like? Are they in your grade? Are they girls or boys?" Sandra was intrigued and I liked it. I know she isn't asking me to sound fake, this is how she is in general.

"Well I met Ally who is a senior. I ended up getting lost and she helped me out. I sat with her and her boyfriend at lunch. His name is Troy. During my class I met a girl Dinah who plays softball and she happens to be friends with Ally so she was at the lunch table as well. Her boyfriend was at the table, he plays on the football team. She is loud, but I think me and her will become good friends. She has that vibe. They both told me about a girl named Normani that they are good friends with but she was MIA during lunch, but I at least know what she looks like because I went to watch their softball practice for about ten minutes with Ally after school."

Sandra shakes her head and she is still smiling. "Look at you, girl! Did you meet any guys?"

I roll my eyes. "Well I told you I met Troy and Nelda."

"I meant single boys, Camila!"

I wish I could shove this girl through the screen. She knows I haven't ever had a boyfriend so what makes her think the first day of a new school I would meet someone. "Nope."

She frowns. "Don't worry about it Mila, you will find someone soon enough. What have you been doing tonight? I was expecting you to call me earlier than this."

"I was with our neighbors. Our parents met today at some point and they invited us to dinner."

I hear gasp. "Tell me more! Do they have kids your age?"

"There is Taylor who is 12 and after dinner she plays with Sofi. They have a son named Chris who is 15 but he wasn't there. I saw him in a couple of pictures on their wall and he is pretty good looking." I paused for a second because Sandra was clapping her hands excitedly. "They also have a daughter named Lauren who is 17 and she is a senior on the softball team. Her room is actually directly across from mine. I hung out with her after we ate."

"What is she like?"

I take a couple of deep breaths. "She seems interesting. Lauren is more complex than the typical high school student. Her room gives you a small insight on her, but I feel like she is one of those people you have to take time to know to be able to fully know who she is."

"What does she look like?" Sandra obviously wants more detail about the girl.

"Well she is about an inch taller than me. She looks very fit which makes sense because she is a softball player. She has long hair and it looks naturally brown, but I think she has dyed it recently because it appeared to be more black." I turn my head and look out my window. My eyes go straight to her window where she is sitting on her window seat with her eyes to a book. "She has really pretty emerald eyes."

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