Chapter 11

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Lauren POV


I was in awe of the note you wrote. Not in a million years would I ever think that you could possibly like me. The thought of a girl having a crush on me in general seemed crazy before I took time to really consider it. You and I have a history of not getting along. I know mostly it's my fault because I have had blinders when it comes to the way you live your life.

You say you like how I stick to my values which I appreciate. I get judged a lot and I know it is mostly for my beliefs. The one thing I have been taught since I was a little kid was to look at things from other people's view. I have completely failed when it comes to you. I will admit that I was close minded and for that I do apologize.

I did get out of a long relationship with Troy. I want to make it clear that I'm not ready or looking for a relationship. However I am willing to see how things might go with us if that's truly what you are wanting.

Us... That is a term I never thought I would say. I feel like I am about to embark on this new adventure. In a way I am stepping off a cliff blindfolded. I know there is a chance that this could be a complete joke to you. In a way I'm betting that it is a joke but hoping that you are being sincere. I am never one for risk but something about you makes me want to take one.

Maybe it's your eyes. I swear you have the prettiest emerald eyes in the world. I also adore how you look at people. You give off so much love and care by a simple glance. I believe that is one reason why everyone loves you. You make the people who are around you feel appreciated and wanted.

And I know looks aren't everything but... I swear if Ian Somerhalder and Megan Fox had a kid together you would be their child.

You are one big mystery Lauren Jauregui. A mystery I want to dive in.


I fold the piece of paper and stick it in my back pocket. I shut my locker door and head to the cafeteria. I bypass my table and go to Ally's. I straddle the bench by her so I can talk to her real fast. Of course everyone at the table was staring at me.

"What are you doing tonight?" I ask as I set my hand on her thigh causing her to jump.

Ally looks a bit tentative. "Nothing as of now. Why?"

"There is this party. You have to dress up but it should be fun. You should come with me."

Ally glances at Camila who gives her a nod. It wasn't very discrete. "Okay. So it's a date?"

She said the words. "Yes. I will pick you up at eight. By the way, thanks for the note."

Ally smiles. "It was the least I could do." There was a very noticeable glance at Camila yet again causing my suspicion to peak.

"Ally what color would you describe my eyes as?"

She tilts her head. "They are green. Sometimes they have a blue tint to them. Why?"

"Green? There is no other way you would use to describe them?"

Ally looks confused. "What other word for green is there?"

I lean in and kiss her cheek causing people at the table to gasp at the gesture. "I was just curious. I will see you tonight though."

"Can't wait." She says in a peppy voice.

I lift my leg off the bench and turn to Camila. "Can I talk to you real fast?"

"Sure." Camila gets up and I lead us both out of the cafeteria. "What did you need to talk about?"

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