Chapter 1

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Lauren POV

One more year and I can kiss high school goodbye. I have no problem with school or the people in it. Actually I have enjoyed the first three years of high school. I just feel like I'm at the point where I'm ready to go off and be independent. I want to truly find myself and experience life. I feel as if high school holds you back a little. With being under parent supervision or always having them to fall back on I think it doesn't let you grow fully.

I'm not like everyone and it's hard to find someone I truly click with here. I have friends and my best friend Alexa. The only thing is I haven't been able to make a deep connection with anyone. I want to have deep conversations about things that most people don't talk about. I want to really get to know someone. I want to know what makes them happy, what makes them sad and what ticks them off. In a way I want to be able to see a world through someone else's eyes as well as my own.

I walk out of my bathroom after I finish brushing my teeth and brushing my hair. I go to my dresser and pull out a polo shirt. Our school dress code is having to wear one of the school colors polo that they provide when you register or ones you had from years past. The colors choices are navy, gold, and white. Lame as hell I know. Since it's hot the shorts we can wear have to be Bermuda shorts in navy, khaki or blue jeans which all have to be knee lengths. If you are a girl you can wear a skirt but it can't be any shorter than four inches above the knee in navy, khaki or blue jeans. I go with a white polo and navy blue Bermuda shorts. I will sometimes wear a skirt, but I'm not feeling it today.

I grab stuff for softball practice and throw it in my gym bag. I grab both my school and sport bag as I head downstairs and try to go out the door to leave but my mom stops me. "You need to eat honey. I cooked. Your brother and sister left some for you."

I drop my head and turn around. "I'll grab something to eat on the way. I have to pick up Alexa because her car is in the shop."

I watch as she shakes her head in a disapproving manner. "That's because that girl gets in a car wreck every other week."

My mom will take any opportunity to voice her opinion on Alexa's driving. Anytime I leave with her in a car my mom gives me a long hug as if I'm never going to come home again.

I walk out to the front door with my mom trailing behind me. "When did we get new neighbors?" I point to the moving truck that is backed up in the driveway.

"I knew the house sold about a month ago." My mom informs me. "As to who bought it I'm not sure. I guess we will find out. Have a good last first day!"

I walk down the steps and make it three feet before I hear whistling. I turn around and look at my mother. "Did you just whistle at me?" I look at her dumbfounded.

"I need to get your picture real fast." She pulls out her phone. "Smile sweetheart."

I roll my eyes. "You are so embarrassing."

I smile as she instructed me to do. I'm used to this happening every year, but I thought I was about to get out of it this year. I swear she hit the capture button a dozen times. "Have a great day baby."

"How embarrassing." I mutter under my breath.

An infectious laugh fills my ears. I turn my head towards the sound of the laugh which happens to be the new neighbor's house. All I caught was a glimpse of a girl who was walking with a bag around the other side of the truck. I can't tell how old she is, but I did notice the uniform she had on which tells me she is in my high school. Not to mention the long brunette hair flowing down her back.

I thought about going over there and introducing myself, but that isn't my style. Not to mention I need to pick up Alexa. I throw my stuff in the back of my jeep and get into the driver's seat. I plug my phone in and roll down my windows as Lana Del Rey's voice fills my ears and anyone who will be close to my vehicle. I back out of the driveway and head out. I glanced at the new neighbor's house to see if I could spot the mystery girl, but I had no luck. I will know who she is eventually.

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