Chapter 21

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Camila POV

The last month and half flew by. Lauren and I have gone on a date every weekend since our first official one besides one weekend. For Thanksgiving I was out of town with my family. We got home that Sunday where I found a note on my bed. I'm not sure how Lauren got in my house but I was glad she did. The note told me to go the treehouse where we had our tiny Thanksgiving together. It was adorable.

Now we are currently on winter break. I'm downstairs waiting for Dinah to get here so we can go Christmas shopping with each other. I have made the huge mistake and been putting it off. Shopping for my family won't be bad but as for Lauren I have no clue what to get her.

As I'm waiting I feel my phone buzz twice.

Lauren: Have fun with Dinah. I'll meet you in the treehouse after

Camila: <3

Dinah: Here! Hurry up, my gas is wasting.

I roll my eyes as I head out to the car. Dinah barely gave me a chance to get in before she sped off. "Maybe I shouldn't be in a car with you."

"Don't be dramatic! You are still breathing so all is good." Dinah chuckles as she blast her music.

The car ride to the mall was filled with loud music. It was impossible to talk so I didn't attempt to. God forbid I turn down Chris Brow and Beyoncé to have a conversation with the girl. I'm sure she would push me out of her car and run my over a couple of times. Maybe I am a little dramatic.

I was getting ready to start up a conversation but Dinah beat me to it. "So what is the status between Lauren and you?"

We walk into the crowded mall and head to the first store. "Well we are talking."

"You guys are still not official?"

I shake my head. "Nope. I guess she doesn't want to break her streak of being single all her life."

Dinah's hand goes to my shoulder as she shoves me. "Lauren is far from single. She only has eyes for you even if she hasn't officially asked you. Maybe she is waiting for you to ask her."

"I am a girl! I can't ask her out." I huff but suddenly realize the irony of the comment. "Oh."

"If you want to be official you should take a chance and ask her." Dinah advises.

I shrug my shoulders as I start to look around. What if I did ask her and she says no? I would be crushed. What if I asked her and she says yes but things aren't as good as they are now? Would I want to risk that?


I jump back and my back rams into the shelf behind me. I cover my head as stuff comes tumbling down. "Dinah!" I yell. "What the hell was that for?"

The girl was having a laughing attack while I was picking up the items on the ground. "Mila you need to relax. I could see from across the store that you are overthinking what I said."

That's because I am. "What did you expect?"

"It's not that big of deal if you guys aren't official. Lauren is loyal to you. She doesn't need to have sex with all those random people now she has you. Which still surprises me that she is finally content with only having sex with the same person over and over."

My hands start shaking as I finish putting the things back. "Lauren and I haven't..." I turn around to meet Dinah's stare and whisper. "We haven't had sex."

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