Chapter 14

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Lauren POV

Currently we are on our way to a softball tournament. It's our last set of games before fall ball ends. We are staying in a hotel for the weekend which is nice. My parents are coming up later and they were nice enough to get me my own room. Not wanting to be around people lately I rather be isolated so I can be consumed in my own thoughts.

The truth is I have been in a funk lately. It's been weeks since Camila dropped the bombshell that she and Dylan are together. I should feel happy for her. This is what she wanted. The problem is it was right when I thought we both felt the same thing I get a slap in the face from reality. I know now why I don't let people in all the way. The amount of pain I have felt has been unbearable. All I've wanted to do is curl up in a ball and cry.

I let myself cry that night. Alexa came over and held me. That was the first time I ever cried over someone. The next day I promised myself no more tears. I had to keep moving on with life and not let Camila's relationship affect me. Easier said than done, but it's not like we were dating so in the end I have no right to be upset.

I still give Camila rides to school and back. We barely talk. I find it so awkward to be around her that I normally tune everything out when I am near her. Every now and then she will attempt to talk to me but she doesn't push it.

That is why I'm glad this weekend is here. I can be out on the field and forget everything. I don't have to worry about running into Camila or seeing her with Dylan. Did I mention that she looks absolutely miserable with him?

"Are you alright?" Alexa nudges my shoulder causing me to lift it up from the window.

"I'm great." I flash my teeth in a smile.

This causes her to roll her eyes. "No you aren't. Do you remember Keana?"

I tilt my head and nod. "Yeah. I would never forget her. What about her?" Alexa doesn't know about her coming over before going off to college. She especially doesn't know about her kissing me.

"Well you have been so out of it that you haven't realized that our tournament is at her college." My attention peaked. "She wants us to go to a party tomorrow night."

I give her a thumbs up. "Sounds good. Count me in."

"There is one more thing." Alexa flashes me a grin. "My cousin's friend plays for the team we are playing tonight. They happen to be staying in our hotel and she happens to be into girls. She also happens to be available for a distraction."

My eyebrows raise as I stare at my best friend. "You want me to hook up with a stranger?"

"Why not?"

"Well let's see. You pushed me to admit I had feelings for you know who. I admitted it and got hurt. Now you want me to hook up with a stranger. I don't get it." I tell her truthfully.

"Camila broke your heart so why pine after her? You never had problems hookups before but now I feel like you are considering Camila in every decision." Alexa states. "Camila is the bad person here."

I shake my head. "No she isn't. I was helping her so she could get a boyfriend and she got it. She didn't like me so it's not her fault that I caught feelings. We both made it a rule that we were only friends and I didn't stay by it. It's my fault."

Alexa starts laughing. "Are you listening to yourself Lauren? Camila KNEW you liked her. She knew and she didn't care."

"If she knew it wasn't her fault Lexi. She didn't ask me to help her to fall for me." I sigh. "She wanted a guy and she got her guy so please do me a favor and not talk about this anymore. She isn't the bad person here."

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