Chapter 16

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Camila POV

"Oh my god." I turn to Lauren who is lying on her back. "Please tell me that did not happen."

"It did." She looks at me amused.

I fall back and place my hands over my face. "That is so embarrassing!"

"Well thanks." She scoffs.

I roll over to my side and prop myself on my elbow so I can look at her better. "You know I don't mean it in a mean way towards you. It's just she didn't even know. Now she is probably in her room thinking I'm a ..."

"Lesbian? Gay? A horny teenager?" Lauren sounds annoyed. "If you are so worried about what she is thinking why don't you go to her room and tell her it's not what it looked like. Tell her your straight and whatever."

Lauren goes to turn away from me but I wasn't having it. There is nothing I can do to change what Marielle walked in on. "How about we both shut up and you kiss me."

"Why? We both know tomorrow morning when you have to talk to your friend everything is going to change between us again." Lauren says in a sad tone. "I can't do it. I like you to much to have you get closer to be pulled away by getting in a relationship or now your friend."

I cup Lauren's cheek as I look in her green eyes. "Did you just admit that you like me?"

She leans into my touch. "Isn't it obvious Camila? I am crazy about you."

My body explodes. I want to use words to express myself back but I know I will get tongue tied. So I decide to try and show her that I feel the same.

I lean in and place a soft kiss on her lips. "What about your friend?" Lauren questions.

"What about her?" I smile back at her as I run my hand to the bottom of my shirt. I slowly lift up as I feel Lauren's eyes glued on me.

I lift my leg up and put it over Lauren as I sit myself on her. I grab a hold of her hands as I lift her up so we are face to face.

"Kiss me like the world is going to disappear." I whisper against her lyrics.

Lauren shakes her head smiling. "I told you I was the lyric queen, but as you wish babe."

The moments our lips touch all worry about Marielle and the rest of the world disappears. There is no regret that I broke up with Dylan. The only regret I have is that I went a couple of weeks without Lauren's lips on mine. She says she is crazy about me but I might be crazier about her.

Lauren's hand run up my back and stops on my bra. I feel her unlatch it as my body goes tense.

"Relax." Lauren whispers as she runs her hand down my shoulders to take my bra completely off. "I don't know why you were sleeping in this anyways."

Lauren leans back and I watch her as she looks at my body and particularly my chest. "They refuse to grow." I frown at her when she looks up.

Lauren pushes on my ass bringing me into her more and causing me to go up. "I think they are perfect." She says softly as her mouth goes to my right breast.

"Ohhhh...." I let my head drop as Lauren's tongue teases my nipple.

*knock knock*

I jump off Lauren so fast that I fell completely off the bed. I grab my shirt and throw it over my head.

I look at Lauren who is shaking her head. I know at this point she is frustrated and so am I. I go over to the door and open it up. "Yes?"

Standing at the door was both Marielle and Sandra. I look at Sandra who mouth the word sorry.

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