Chapter 12

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Camila POV

I got up around 11 after spending my time with Lauren in the hammock until 5:30 this morning.

I get out of bed and stretch, letting out a dramatic groan. I grab an outfit for the day. I was about to take a shower when my eyes went to my window. I look into Lauren's room where I see her hands cupping Ally's cheeks. Why is she still there?

Lauren looks to be talking and Ally is standing there smiling. My stomach starts to turn when I see Lauren leaning in. A satisfied breath comes out when I see Lauren place her lips on Ally's forehead and not lips. Still I'm curious about why Ally is still there and what they are possibly talking about.

Lauren's hands end up dropping from Ally's face. The smaller girl ends up disappearing from the window and Lauren's head turns this way. I quickly turn around and bolt out of my room.

I go into the bathroom and turn on the water. I close my eyes as I imagine myself not being alone here. The thought of smooth but skillful hands roaming around my body. I wash my hair as I keep the thoughts coming.

I step out of the shower and dry my body off. I slide on my panties and bra. I slip into my circle skirt and pull on my black and white long sleeve. I look at myself in the mirror after brushing my teeth. A smile was spread across my face as the images I was thinking about in the shower were still there.

I walk to my room with a bounce in my step. As I shut my door I jumped back seeing I wasn't alone in my room. "Lauren. I was just thinking about you." Lauren's eyebrow arc and I wanted to slap myself. "I uh... I mean why are you here?"

"I saw you watching me this morning." Lauren smirks. "I figured I would come and talk to you about Ally."

I run a brush through my hair. "You don't have to tell me."

"Okay well I'm going to." Lauren states. "Ally, I guess I woke up last night and went searching for me. She ended up in Chris's room causing him to wake up. I guess they found us out back. Ally was asking me what we were doing."

My eyes widened. "What did you tell her?"

"I told her we were talking, which was true. I changed the subject quickly though and ended up talking to her about the things she was telling me about Troy. I was encouraging her to talk to him and she said she would after this weekend."

I nod. "Oh."

"There is one more thing." Lauren stands up. "She wants to drink again tonight. She says she needs one more night to completely let loose and do whatever before going back to something so serious."

That pain in my stomach forms. "Let me guess, you are going to get drunk with her and be that distraction?"

"Yes." Lauren says. "But so are you."

"I'm not having a threesome when I haven't even had a twosome!" Is twosome even the right word?

Lauren starts laughing. "Get your mind out of the gutter. No one is having sex. I mean we are all hanging out. Ally insists that Dinah, Normani and you come. I told her fine as long as Alexa can be with us because I need an outlet friend."

I feel slightly embarrassed. "Where are we doing this?"

"My house. My parents will be gone overnight with Taylor's tournament and Chris will be out."

"Okay." I agree with it.

Lauren takes two steps closer and places her hands on my hips. "Since we will be around others tonight, do you want to practice now?"

I bite down on my lip and nod. Lauren grins and starts leaning in. Right before her lips touch mine my stomach growls. This causes her to lean back.

"Maybe we should get some food first." Lauren leans in and gives my cheek a quick peck. "Do you want to go grab lunch somewhere? It will be my treat."

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