Chapter 23

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Camila POV

There is only 8 hours until the new year and Lauren hasn't talked to me since the Christmas dinner from hell at her house. I have tried texting and calling. I've gone there a couple of times and I am either lied to saying she isn't there or no one answers.

I've noticed Lauren has been going jogging everyday at the same time. I'm not a runner, but here I am sitting on my steps waiting for her to exit her house...

The sound of a door goes and I stand up. I walk down the sidewalk and see Lauren stretching with her back towards me.

I walk up slowly... enjoying the view... Once she was done stretching she takes off. I start jogging to her pace. I don't know if she is aware that I am trailing her, but her pace is picking up and it's hard to stay with her.

Luckily for me, there is a stop sign with a trail of cars going through. Lauren stops and pulls her headphones out of her ears.

"What do you think you are doing?" Lauren doesn't bother turning around at first. "And don't try pretending like you aren't there Camila. I am not an idiot."

I bend over resting my hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath. "I'm jogging on this beautiful winter day here in good ole Miami." Sarcasm never hurts right?

"You are basically dying." Lauren finally turns around. "It's only been a couple of blocks and you are already collapsing." For what it's worth, Lauren seems a little amused. "Seriously, what are you doing?"

I stand up straight as my breathing starts to even out. "I didn't know what else to do. You won't talk to me."

Lauren's eyebrows knit together. "Are you serious? What could I possibly say to you? Oh hey Camila, I really loved watching you kiss Shawn, in my own house when you are supposed to be my girlfriend."

"You could have said anything." I try ignoring the whole Shawn thing. "You are my girlfriend for crying out loud, and you are ignoring me."

Lauren looks at me. She isn't blinking and there is no face expression. It's intimidating and I'm afraid to move...

In a flash, Lauren takes off running. She isn't going to make this easy for me.

I move my feet as fast as I could but I am falling behind. My lungs are burning and I know that she is about to be gone. The fear of her being gone completely was enough for me to muster up enough energy to tackle her to the ground.

Lauren takes the brunt of the fall as my body lands on hers. "What the fuck Camila?" Lauren screams out. "You could have seriously injured me or yourself."

Lauren tries leaning up, but I put my weight down on her. "Why did you run away from me?"

"Because I don't want to talk to you."

Clearly. "Why not?"

"You kissed Shawn." Lauren hisses.

"I had no choice!" I try to reason. "You left a hickey on my neck then I had to chase after you. My mom came and so did Shawn. Plus he kissed me, I pushed him away."

Lauren rolls her eyes. "Whatever Camila. Go chase after Shawn. Go make your mother happy."

"Lauren." I plead. "He isn't who I want. The whole situation is fucked up."

"Watch your mouth Camila." Lauren scolds me like I am a child. "This situation is messed up because you let it be."

Lauren puts her hands on my hips and tries pushing me off her. I slap her hands away. "Stop, now." I grab her hands and hold them down. "I am sorry Lauren. I didn't mean to upset you."

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