Chapter 6

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Lauren POV

"Wake up!!!!"

I grab my pillow and pull it over my head. "Get out." I muffle out.

The spot beside me goes down as hands go on my side with fingers digging in my skin. "Get up or I won't stop."

Alexa was obviously enjoying this as her laughter fills my room as my body is squirming left to right. "I am going to kill you." I whine as I grab a hold of her arms and pull her on top of me. I let go of her arms and wrap my arms around her as I close my eyes. "Let's go back to sleep baby."

"As much as I love our bodies pressed on to one another like this, I need you to get up." Alexa wiggles her way out of my arms.

I open my eyes back up and see Alexa standing right over me. "Why are you even here?"

"That's no way to talk to your best friend who you tried to seduce two seconds ago." I roll my eyes. She mistaken me wanting to sleep as me wanting to have sex. "I am here because I'm forcing you to hang out with me before your date with Camila."

I sit up in my bed and rub my eyes. "My date is not with Camila. It is with Tyler."

Alexa grabs a hold of my hands and pulls, forcing me to stand up. "If you are teaching the Cabello girl step by step shouldn't you take her on a date first? If she is as inexperienced as you make it sound I can imagine what a nightmare of date Dylan is up for."

I walk over to my dresser and grab some clothes. "She will be fine. Camila is a smart girl. I'm sure she can figure out how to act on a date considering all we are doing is going to get dinner."

"If you are so confident she can do this, why are you helping her?" Alexa just stands there staring at me while I change. "Is this for your own pleasure?"

I wish I could kick her out and go back to bed. "What pleasure am I getting with this Alexa? Please enlighten me."

"You get to have Camila but not be with her. You once again get to avoid the emotional part of being with someone. It's the same game with different rules this time around."

I rub my forehead as I shake my head back and forth. "You have it all wrong. Camila is my friend and we already established an emotional relationship through a friendship. The other stuff is to help her so she can be with Dylan or whoever she chooses. So no this isn't the same game and new rules."

"Okay Lauren calm down. You are getting all angry eyes on me." Alexa walks over and sits on my window seat. "Are you worried that Dylan might take her first kiss?"

I rub the back of my head and bite down on my lip. "Well..."

"What did you do Lauren?"

"Well last night when we took Camila's sister home we were talking in her room." I go over and sit beside her. "She was talking about Dylan possibly kissing her and I wasn't a fan of the thought of him being the first so I took her by surprise and kissed her."

Alexa smacks my knee with the back of her hand. "Just a friend huh?"

"Yes Alexa."

I know she doesn't believe me but she should. "Do you want to go out back and chill? I don't want to be locked up in your room but like I said I'm forcing you to hang out with me."

"Yeah. Let me go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I will meet you out there."

I was in no rush so I took my time. When I get downstairs I grab a bottle of water then head out back. I scan my backyard and see no sign of Alexa.

"Alexa?" I yell out.

"She is in the tree house." My head turns to a raspy voice about 20 feet away from me. "Sofi saw her and she stole her. They are pretending to be wizards and have overtaken the tree house."

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