Chapter 22

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Camila POV

"Ow." I whine as my eyes shoot open. "Sofia did you have to jump on me?"

My sister starts bouncing up and down on my stomach. "Kaki, it's Christmas! Mom said I had to wait for you to get up so please hurry!"

"Okay, okay." I grab a hold of her. "Just stop bouncing."

Sofia nods her head in agreement and gets off me. "I'll be downstairs. Please hurry."

To be young... Not that I am old, but it's not as exciting to wake up on Christmas anymore.


I unplug my phone and look at it as I get up and head out of my room.

Lauren: Merry Christmas Babe

I smile as I text her back.

Camila: You too! So were you on Santa's naughty or nice list?

Lauren: Nice, but I can switch over to the naughty side real quick (:

Camila: Lauren!

Lauren: No need to scream my name now baby, wait until I get you close to the edge.

Camila: You can't be saying stuff like this to me in a text!

Lauren: You can't handle it can you Cabello? Don't need you all wet while Sofia opens her present.

"Camila, honey." My eyes go up to my father. "Are you okay? Your face is dark red."

"I'm fine!" I look back down to my phone.

Camila: I have to go!

Lauren: I'll see you tonight [:

Camila: Can't wait

Which is true, but a part of me don't want to go because my mom will have her eye on me the whole time.

"About time!" Sofia cheers. "Here, this is from me."

For how impatient she was, I am a little surprise she wants me to pen a present before her.

I pull at the paper and pull out a drawing. Sofia starts pointing and explaining what she drew.

"This is a picture of me accidently kicking you in the face that one day on the swing set. This is you bleeding. The next picture is Lauren running over. You two then disappear and you come back all brand new. Lauren helped you get better. The last picture is you two hugging with the words Act of True Love like in Frozen with Elsa and Ana but not sister love."

"Thanks Sofia. I love it." She is too cute.

I lift my head up forgetting my mom was in here. She looks annoyed with the gift and Sofia's explanation. "Here." She pushes a box in front of me. "Open it."

I look at Sofia who crosses her arms and pouts. "No fair. I never get a turn."

I slowly open my mother's gift. Once the wrapper was off I remove the lid and pull out a dress. "It's beautiful."

"I know." My mom says proudly. "I got it for your date."

My eyes widen. "What date?"

"Tonight." She gives me a wicked smile. "A friend I work with has a son a year younger than you. We both think you two will be a perfect match so I invited him to the Jauregui's with us as your date."

I stand up as anger hits me. "Are you freaking kidding me?"

"Not one bit. His name is Shawn and I expect you to be great to him."

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