Chapter 17

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Camila POV

It wasn't hard to notice the close curtain. I hurt Lauren and this is her way of completely shutting me out. There isn't a whole lot I can do. One second of anger can ruin everything and I have to live with it. I don't blame Lauren one bit.

I wake up extra early Monday morning to get ready for school. I leave the house and head for the bus stop. When on the bus, I realize how right Lauren was. It is hot and it smells. Not to mention it's packed. Some seats are three deep. I'm the girl sitting on the very edge of the seat trying to catch my breath.

When we pulled up to school I basically sprinted inside. "Hey!"

I turn to see Dinah walking up to me. "Hey DJ."

"Did I just see you coming off the bus?"

I nod. "You did."

"Ew what the hell?" She starts gagging. "Why didn't Lauren give you a ride? That girl never misses school."

It's not like I haven't been thinking about her so I guess I might as well talk about her with the first person I see today. "Something happen this weekend and Lauren doesn't want to talk to me."

"What did she do?"

"She didn't do anything." I sigh. "It was all me. I got mad and said something I shouldn't have."

Dinah bumps me on the shoulder and nods forward. I look up and see Lauren walking down the hall.

I put my head down and stop walking. "Hey Lauren." Dinah shouts and I wanted to punch her. "Come here for a second."

"What the hell are you doing?" I say through gritted teeth.

"Hey Dinah." I hear a husky voice. "Cabello."

I look up to be met by green eyes. "Hi." I say timidly.

Lauren leans forward and sniffs the air. "You smell like body sweat. You might want to do something about that."

"Well you were right about Miami bus system." I try to say with a jolly voice but it falters quickly.

I look at Dinah hoping she would say something because she is the one who made Lauren come over here.

"Why didn't you give Camila a ride today?" Seriously out of all things she could have said she said that.

Lauren looks at Dinah then back at me. "Well haven't you heard? Camila hates me."

My eyes start to water and Lauren notices it. She takes my wrist and pulls me into the nearest bathroom.

"No way Camila!" Lauren shouts. "You have no right to cry."

I wipe at my eyes as tears fall. "Okay."

I go to walk out but she gets in my way. "I'm sorry I made you upset."

"I deserve it. Don't worry about me." The five minute bell rings. "I guess I'll see you around."

Lauren nods. "I guess so." We both start heading out of the bathroom when I feel a light touch on my arm. "You are wrong. You don't deserve me being an ass. I'm sorry."

With that Lauren disappears before I could say anything. My first set of classes went by and now I find myself at lunch staring across the cafeteria looking at Lauren.

"Seriously what is going on with you two?" I hear Dinah question. "Both of you look like sad puppies who can't keep your eyes off of each other."

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