Chapter 7

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Lauren POV

"Earth to Lauren."

I turn my head as I grab a hold of Alexa's wrist so she stops snapping her fingers in my face. "What?"

"You have been out of it all school week." Alexa frowns. "You have been in a weird mood and like now when I'm trying to talk to you I find you zoned out staring across the cafeteria."

I take a deep breath. "I'm not staring. I was spaced out."

"Same thing." She brings her hand up and points. "Your eye sight line was going directly towards Camila like it has all week. I don't find that a coincidence so tell me what is going on?"

I look across the room at the brunette who has Dylan attached to her hip. "Nothing is going on. Let's just drop it."

"I can't do that." Alexa states. "What happen at the double date? I'm assuming whatever happen is the reason for your mood."

Why can't the bell ring so I can get out of this conversation? "Nothing. Obviously she and Dylan clicked because anywhere she goes he does."

Alexa bumps her shoulder into mine. "Lauren is jealous. I never thought I would see the day."

"I'm not jealous." I say angrily. "I need some air though."

I get up from the lunch table and bolt out of the room. I go straight to the doors that lead to the quad. When I get out the door I lean my back up against the brick wall as I slide down.

I look at my phone as a couple of messages come across.

Alexa: whatever you are feeling don't run from it.

Lauren: you are crazy.

Alexa: you are crazy to think I wouldn't notice...

Coach: scrimmage game cancelled. No practice either.

Lauren: I don't have practice or a game so be at my vehicle after school unless your boyfriend is giving you a ride.

Camila: okay.

I pick myself off the ground and go back in the school before the bell rings. The rest of the school day went by fast and I am on my way to my vehicle. As I approach it I see Camila standing by the passenger door with Dylan. Of course he is right there.

I throw my softball bag and school bag in the back. "If you are coming get in. I have things to do." I snap before getting in my seat.

Moments later Camila gets in. I pull out of the parking lot. I reach to turn my music up but Camila pushes my hand away.

"What is with you lately?" I ignore her and reach back up blasting my music. Quickly it gets shut off. "For god sake can you please tell me what the hell I did to make you suddenly hate me?"

Dramatic. Camila is being dramatic. "I don't hate you."

"Are you sure because those are basically the only words you have said to me all week."

I shrug. "I've been busy. I didn't know I had to constantly talk to you."

"You don't have to be such a bitch." Camila hisses. "You can drop me off at the next stoplight."

I roll my eyes. "Stop being so dramatic. You have all Dylan's attention so stop getting all butt hurt that I'm not catering every second to you."

"So this is why you are angry? Because of Dylan."

I laugh. "I can care less about Dylan and you."

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