Chapter 8

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Camila POV

"Sandra, you need to wake up." I yell as I give my friend three good pushes.

She flings her arms out and lets out an exaggerated groan. "It's the weekend! Why are you being annoying?"

"It's noon for one thing and Dylan's game is at one. I told him I would go to it so I could get up."

I am already dressed as I have jeans and a crop top on. Hopefully I won't get in trouble for my shirt at the game. Sandra kicks her legs out of the bed and stands up.

"I thought Dylan was made up." She mumbles but I hear her.

"Why would I make him up?"

She lifts her bag up on my bed and starts pulling out clothes. "To hide away your feelings for Lauren."

I'd say it's too early for this but it won't make the subject disappear. "Lauren is a friend. You only think I like her because you aren't used to seeing me comfortable around people because I was always hiding at school. I'm different and you will see that when you meet Dylan. There will be no more of you assuming I like Lauren."

"Whatever you say girl." Sandra changes clothes and pulls out a toothbrush. "I like Lauren though. She is chill. Will she be at the game?"

I shrug. "I have no clue."

Sandra disappears in the bathroom and I go over to my dresser grabbing a bow to put in my hair. I haven't worn one of these since I moved but it's my favorite accessory.

By the time Sandra finishes in the bathroom I am basically forced to drag her out of the house so we can go. "You didn't even feed me." She whines as we approach her car. "You are a terrible hostess."

"I'm sure there will be food there. Maybe if you didn't sleep all morning."

"Maybe if you didn't suggest we sneak in on your neighbor and friend." She pauses before laughing. "That was me wasn't it?"

The car ride to the school was annoying. Sandra ended up going the wrong way three times because she insisted I didn't know my way around. We finally got to the field. She doesn't hesitate to stop at the concession stands. When she finished buying everything her eyes laid on we went over to the bleachers.

"Which one is Dylan?" She whispers.

I was getting ready to say the number when a guy hollers out. "Hey Camila!"

I put my hand up and smile as I wave. "He is cute." Sandra winks at me as we sit down.

"He is, isn't he?" I smile to myself knowing my friend at least approves of his looks. "Do you see number 11?" I questioned. She looks out and nods. "That is who went on the date with Lauren. Tyler that she took drunk pictures with."

I watch as she squints her eyes to get a better look. "Okay Dylan is cute but he is hot. I give Lauren props over you."

"Lauren doesn't even like him like that." I am annoyed. "Why does Lauren's name always have to be brought up?"

Sandra gives me a sad smile but her eyes dart away from mine. I turn my head to see what she is looking at. Coming up the bleachers is Lauren, Alexa and someone I don't know.

Alexa was the first to spot us and she gave us a wave. Both of us wave back causing Lauren to finally spot us. I thought perhaps they were going to sit with us but they didn't. Lauren stops a couple rows in front of us. I don't know if she doesn't want to be by us or the fact Dinah and Ally are entering the bleachers with Normani.

Dinah and Ally come sit by us and I introduce them to Sandra. Normani ended up stopping by Lauren. She had no choice since Lauren wrapped her in her arms bringing her into Lauren's lap. She starts giving Normani repetitive kisses on the cheek causing her to laugh loud and Ally to groan.

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