Chapter 9

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Camila POV

A week has gone by since the party. Lauren has been pretty busy with softball and school in general. I've also been busy with school, Dylan and going to Dylan's games. Lauren stuck to her notion about us practicing every day but something has been off about her. I can't pinpoint what though. Our meet up spot is usually in the tree house around 8:30. It might sound crazy but when I go to sleep that is what I look forward to the next day. What does that indicate? I'm not sure. As far as what step we are on it still is open mouth kissing. I can feel Lauren wanting to do more but she hasn't. I've been afraid to tell her I'm ready. Maybe she thinks I'm bad and this is her way of saying I need more practice.

It's the start of a new school week and I'm outside Lauren's jeep early. It wasn't long before the green eyed girl came walking out of her house. I hear her jeep unlock and I jump in. Lauren gets in and starts our journey to school.

"You are coming to my game after school right? It's finally our first home scrimmage." Lauren glances at me with hopeful eyes.

"What school are you playing at?"

Lauren hands me her phone. "I don't remember but if you go to my calendar it says."

I clicked on today's date. My eyes light up when I see what she has scheduled in her calendar. 8:30 - Seeing Camz:) That nickname is new but it's not one she has said out loud. Cute, very cute.

"Did you find it?"

Crap. I scroll up a little. 4:00 - scrimmage game vs. Palmetto.

My jaw drops. "I can't go." I handed her phone back almost in complete terror. "I told Dylan I would go to his game."

Lauren's face tenses up. "Are you sure you aren't dating? You are already putting him in front of your friends."

I lean my head on the window. It's clear she is hurt and I can't change it. I won't change it. "Sorry. Maybe next game."

"Nope, don't bother. You probably will have plans with your boyfriend."

"You are upset." I state the obvious. I reach for her hand and she pulls it away. "Lauren, I'm not dating Dylan."

I look over at her and she is clinching the steering wheel tightly. "You might as well be."

That was the end of our conversation. Lauren was upset and I can't make her feel better. When we get to school she rushes out her vehicle and speed walks leaving me alone. Well I thought I was alone.

"What is wrong with her?" Alexa walks up to me noticing her friend's apparent mood.

I sigh. "She asked me to go to her softball game and I told her I can't because I'm going to Dylan's."

Alexa comes to a halt stopping me in the process. "The lacrosse team doesn't have a game."

Crap. "Oh."

"Yeah so go tell Lauren you can go so she is in a better mood." Alexa suggests.

I shake my head. "I can't go. I have a project for school."

I try to walk away but Alexa grabs my arm. "Why are you lying Camila?"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are." Alexa was right. "Lauren has been helping you out even though it's hurting her and you can't do something simple like going to her game?"

I already feel bad for hurting Lauren and now Alexa is making it worse. "Wait. What do you mean her helping is hurting her?"

"Camila isn't it obvious?" I shake my head. "Lauren finally has a crush..."

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